Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Shhhh … Lindsay Lohan Is Drinking Again


I love how People magazine has decided to nonchalantly announce that Lindsay Lohan has fallen way, way off the wagon.

According to them:

Lindsay Lohan continued to support good friend Samantha Ronson, hanging out at Times Square’s Hawaiian Tropic Zone as Ronson spun tunes from midnight to 4 a.m. Sunday.

The pair arrived together, both wearing black leather jackets, right on time at 12 a.m. A blond-haired Lohan stationed herself at a table directly behind Ronson’s deejay booth in the second level VIP section, which overlooked a packed dance floor.

For the first hour, the star sat at her table, chatting with friends and smoking cigarettes. Then Lohan started dancing to Britney Spears’s “Gimme More.” Drinking Grey Goose and Red Bull cocktails, she danced the night away with girlfriends. Lohan really got into the music, tossing her hair around and doing full body rolls – even throwing her hands in the air and singing along to Madonna’s new song “4 Minutes.” She also sang along and pumped her chest to “Soulja Boy.”

I also like that they say “good friend” rather than “girlfriend” about SamRo. Ah, reading between the mainstream media’s lines is so entertaining.

It kind of pisses me off that such a major publication is giving this so little fanfare. It feels to me like it sends a message along the lines of, “Yeah, she’s a confirmed drug and alcohol addict, for whom drinking Grey Goose is basically going to be a death sentence in the long run — not just for her, but for whomever gets in her way on the road — but whatevs. No biggie.”

It’s a huge biggie. This girl’s got no business drinking, and while I understand that People can’t exactly run this under the headline “HOLY FUCKING SHIT STAY OFF THE ROADS LINDSAY LOHAN’S DRINKING AGAIN,” they perhaps could have added in this article that Lindsay’s been in rehab thrice and gotten two DUIs. Because it’s true. And I feel it’s irresponsible for the mainstream media to report a relapse without a certain degree of gravity.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I was also surprised that (and other websites posting people’s story) did not make more of the following sentence: ‘Later, during Mariah Carey’s “Touch My Body,” Ronson threw her arms around Lohan as the two moved to the music.’ Doesn’t that sound at least a little gay?

    Also, few websites have been posting the most interesting picture from the HI Tropic night–the one that seems to show Sam brushing LiLo’s hair from her forehead.

  • Why the fuck has she died her hair that hideous colour again she looks like shit!

    And what kind of shitty arse friend lets their alcoholic friend start drinking again?…i’m not trying to blame SamRo for Lindsays problems but if that was my friend there is no fucking way i’d just sit by and let her drink.

  • So far her mother and father have have a public divorce, her baby sis and mom are starting their own reality show (on her back) and her father has publicly denounced her recovery. The fact that she’s not shooting is a minor miracle.

  • Um, she’s a 21 year old rich actress living in Hollywood. Plus, she’s LINDSAY LOHAN. You actually thought she’d stay SOBER??!! Bwahahahahahahahha!

  • She’s starting to look a hell of a lot like her mother… that is, a shrivelled up raisin that has been left out in the sun for waaaaaay too long. I just kind of feel sorry for her now… no 21 year old should look like she’s 40.

  • lindsey looks rode hard and put away wet. that girl is heading swiftly to a very bad ending.

    samantha ronson seems like a skank.