Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Celebrated Cinco de Mayo!

photo of britney spears pictures cinco de mayo 2012 pics
Cool! Looks like the old Britney Spears is back, right? Remember that big-ass laughing grin she’d get when she was, you know, legitimately happy? It appears that Britney’s got it on lockdown in that photo up there, huh? But wait. Just you wait. Don’t get excited too fast—the rest of the pictures aren’t all that impressive and are, in fact, actually kind of depressing. It’s like, with the above photo, we caught a rare glimpse of Britney in a happy little bubble, whereas the following photos catch her just moments after the bubble’s popped, stretching and groaning and doing all sorts of scary things with her shorts.

Like this one:

photo of britney spears pictures pics hot
Cute little tummy, but bad, bad shorts. Wicked bad choice, girl.

And then you have this fancy little picture:

photo of britney spears pictures asscrack pics
Oh hell no. No thank you. Return of the sick-bad shorts and some major what-the-f-ck hair? I’m almost heartbroken.

Then, of course, there’s this:

And this:

And in those photos, I’m not sure if she’s stretching, yawning, or about to tuck and roll off the porch in order to take a nice-sized bite out of the photographer taking her picture. Last, you have the photo where she’s actually getting ready to eat the baby she’s holding, because she apparently couldn’t get close enough to the cameraman to snack on out:

Oh Britney. Where have you gone, huh, girl?

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