Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jamie Foxx explains his medical absence

Last year Jamie Foxx mysteriously suffered what his daughter called a “medical complication”. He wasn’t seem for a few months and even avoided the noisy paparazzi. When he finally popped up on a yacht with friends the world wondered what was happening.

Now Jamie is speaking openly about the incident in his new Netflix stand-up special, Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was…. 

In Atlanta on April 11, 2023, Jamie developed a bad headache that people were treating with tylenol and the like till his younger sister sensed that something much more serious was happening. “My sister said, ‘No — get him in the car; that ain’t my brother right there.” Foxx says his sister drove “aimlessly” around Atlanta and eventually took him into Piedmont Hospital. There, a doctor diagnosed with a brain bleed that had led to a stroke and said that he needed to operate immediately.

She basically saved his life.

Jamie was out of it and finally became lucid 20 days later with no memory of the 3 weeks he’d been in the hospital.

Jamie has fought back over the last year and a half and now seems strong as ever.

You can see his comedy special on Netflix now.