Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Piers Morgan forced to apologize to Beyonce

Piers Morgan is a shit stirrer who stirred the wrong pot.

Last week the controversial news man had Jaguar Wright on his show. She’s the very outspoken woman who’s been crying for Diddy to be shut down for years now and is sort of having a moment now.

Jaguar claims Bey and Jay are victims of Diddys who are now doing their own bad things. But Beys attorneys got right on it.

Piers issued this apology last night. “The reality of the modern world is that pretty much everyone had a platform as long as they have something to say that other people want to hear”.

He added: “That’s why we invited [Wright] on to be interviewed. The people making these claims have an audience with or without shows like mine.”

But Morgan said that now he had heard from the couple’s lawyers, they would edit Wright’s allegations out of the show.

He then offered a direct apology, saying: “Editing interviews is not something we do lightly at a show called Uncensored.

“But like the proverbial cries of ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre, there are legal limits on us, too. And we apologise to Jay-Z and Beyoncé.”

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