Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Why Kristin Cavallari ended things with Mark Estes

I want to say that there was so much talk about Kristin C being 37 and Mark being 24…. These are not drastic numbers at those ages. It’s the 65 year olds dating 20 somethings that should raise flags.

Now on to the tea. So went on her podcast today and said it was her decision to call it quits with the TikTok star, 24, after seven months of dating.

‘Mark and I broke up,’ she confirmed. ‘It’s hard because I broke up with Mark because I just know long-term it’s not right, and it’s not because of love lost or something bad happened.’

The mother-of-three emphasized that ‘no one cheated’ and Estes didn’t do anything ‘mean’ or anything that would make her ‘hate him.’

She went on to praise the influence for being ‘nothing but be so sweet and so supportive’ during their relationship.  

‘He’s been the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. I just know long-term he needs to experience life, he’s young… I started to feel the age a little bit with life experience,’ she explained. 

Cavallari continued: ‘I look back when I was 24 and how much life has happened between then, those are crucial years, those are formative years, they’re when you find yourself and he needs to be able to do that.’ 

It’s funny how intelligent she can sound on paper. If I heard her say those words in that dramatic LA accent of hers it wouldn’t have felt so thought out and impactful.

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