This year Representative George Santos was thrown out of the House of Reps for excessive lying about everything from being Jewish to going to Ivy League schools. Now he’s suing Jimmy Kimmel for making him a laughing stock all over again.
Kimmel learned that Santos was now making Cameo messages and bought one to air on his show. The video (below via tiktok) got millions of views and now Georgie wants to be paid for the embarassment.
Santos is seeking at least $750,000 in damages. The suit specifically cites the decision to employ the “personal use” license on Cameo, despite the show’s intention to broadcast the videos on television.
“Frankly, Kimmel’s fake requests were funny, but what he did was clear violation of copyright law,” Santos’ attorney Robert Fantone said in a statement to the AP.
Kimmel may have given George the idea when he joked about Santos suing him, saying, “I showed some of them on the air on Thursday, and now he’s demanding $20,000 from me to be paid a commercial rate. Could you imagine if I get sued by George Santos for fraud? I mean how good would that be? It would be like a dream come true.”
Cant’ wait to watch this play out.
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