There’s been a lot of talk this week about Taylors Swift using her private jet to circle the globe, and rightfully so. It’s important that anyone using a PJ be scrutinized and evaluated.
Remember when Kylie Jenner used her PJ to avoid traffic and fly 12 minutes? That’s terrible. Taylor flying to Japan? Kind of necessary. And to defend both women, you have to take safety into account and both would be mobbed on a regular plan and their 5 deep bodyguards would take up valuable seats.
But the people at MyClimate.org compiled a list of the worst celebrity CO2 offenders and Tay doesn’t even make the top 30.. Lets look.
This list is for 2023.
1. Travis Scott
2. Kim Kardashian
3. Elon Musk
4. Beyonce and Jay-Z
5. Bill Gates
6. Steven Spielberg
7. Tyler Perry
8. Leonard Blavatnik
9. Kylie Jenner
10. Celine Dion
11. Alex Rodríguez /A Rod
12. George Lucas
13. Floyd Mayweather
14. Robert Kraft
15. Jim Carrey
16. Marc Cuban
17. Paul Allen
18. James Dyson
19. Tom Cruise
20. Max Verstappen
21. Jack Nicklaus
22. Mark Wahlberg
23. Blake Shelton
24. Jeff Bezos
25. Drake
26. Dan Bilzerian
28. Flights
27. Kenny Chesney
28. Suleyman Kerimov
29. Tiger Woods
30. Harrison Ford