Actor and comedian Ray Ramano was on the WTF Podcast with Marc Maron this week when he revealed he’d undergone serious heart surgery to clear a 90% blockage.
“I got kinda lucky that we found it before having a [widow-maker] heart attack,” Ray told Marc.
Romano, 65, shared that he battled high cholesterol for 20 years but never went on medication despite his doctor’s recommendation.
“Every time, I said, ‘Let me do it myself.’ And I would go home, and I would eat right — not vegan, but a little healthier — and get it down a couple ticks,” he said.
Like a lot of us, this would last for a while and then he would slowly go back to his old diet.
“I’d go home and think I was hot s–t. I’d get it down already, and I’d start cheating, cheating, and that was the cycle,” he said.
“Now, I’m on the meds,” he shared, adding that if he “could go back 20 years,” he would have taken the pills and prevented the blockage from ever happening.