So retired WWE star Kurt Angle was speaking on his podcast, The Kurt Angle Show, this week when he made the statement that set the internet aflutter.
Kurt claims he saw fellow WWE star Hulk Hogan backstage at a recent
Raw XXX anniversary episode celebrating 30 years of the show and Hulk was unable to feel his lower half.
“Hogan had his back surgery again. He had the nerves cut from his lower body. He can’t feel his lower body, so he has to use his cane to walk around.”
“I thought he was using the cane because he has pain in his back. He doesn’t have any pain. He has nothing at all. He can’t feel anything.”
“So now he can’t feel his legs, so he has to walk with a cane. That’s pretty serious, man. I mean, I really feel for Hogan. He put his heart and soul into the business and it ate him up.”
But I want to just note that if Hogan is walking with help from a cane, I think it’s misleading to say he can’t feel his lower half. It’s more likely he has wide numbness.
Hogan has yet to issue a statement.