In the 90’s there were few boy bands as huge and as adored as New Kids on the Block. But all that adoration from girls was key to their success. Which meant hiding who you are.
Jonathon Knight, a member of the band, was on Lance Bass’ pod cast Monday and said that he was strictly forbidden to reveal his true sexuality by his manager.
“He pulled me aside and was like, ‘If anybody finds out, your career is over. The New Kids’ career is over. My career is over,’” Knight alleged.
The 54-year-old went on to describe the anxiety he experienced at the time.
“The stress built up and built up and built up,” he recalled. “It was crazy.”
In 2009 he was publicly outted but that seems to have led to better things.
These days he lives happily in Massachusettes with his husband Harley who he married in during Covid lockdown.