Confused? Don Cheadle, the actor who plays James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine since 2010’s “Iron Man 2,” was given a serious offer with just minutes to decide.
According to Cheadle he was … “I was at my kid’s laser tag birthday party,” Cheadle said. “They (Marvel) called me and said, ‘This is what’s happening and we’re giving you the offer. If you don’t say yes then we’re going to the next person. This is going to happen very fast. Why don’t you take an hour and decide if you want to do it.’ It was a six-movie deal! In an hour I have to decide?”
Cheadle asked what the other five movies would be and Marvel said, “It’s going to be these Avengers and this is what it is, so you have to say yes or no.” Cheadle asked what the trajectory of his character would be, to which Marvel responded, “We don’t know any of that but this is what it is so you’ve got an hour.”
Cheadle finally got a word in to explain he was at his sons birthday party so Marvel extended his think time to 2 hours.
But really the rest is history because we know he’s embodied the roll of Rhodey for 12 years now!