It was only last night, around midnight, that parents of Kanye’s Donde Academy students received word the strange school would be shutting down effective immediately.
The school’s principal, Jason Angell, sent an email out saying, in part, “at the discretion of our founder, Donda Academy will close for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year effective immediately.”
But Ye seemed to not completely agree. Taking to IG to write “Here’s the clout you’re looking for. My school is being shut down.”
But just a few hours… like seriously around 4am, parents got a follow up email that said “Join us tomorrow morning in worship for the return of Donda Academy. With the help of our parents and community, we are back and returning with a vengeance!”
Ah yes. Vengence. One of the pillars of youth education. The email concluded with “The children of Donda are going to change the world. Apologies for the late email! See you bright and early!”
I’m curious to see how many show up.