What you say? You may not have noticed but there are more and more people on this planet every day. To the tune 7,920,000,000 people on earth. 331,000,000 in the US alone.
If we keep putting the dead in the ground we’ll eventually have no where but out national parks to turn into housing space.
But California, as always, has a way that saves the space and even helps the land!
“We have a climate change crisis out there and i don’t want to contribute to it.,” said Assemblywoman Christina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens)
“This cycle of returning back to earth is nothing new,” said Garcia.
Garcia is talking about human composting, where human remains naturally decompose over about a month after being put in a reusable container and buried in biodegradable materials like wood chips and alfalfa, which break down into soil that can later be returned to families.
“It’s compost. It’s soil that we’re talking about…that could be used to plant trees, to plant a garden. And it’s also good for the environment,” she said.
Brilliant. Imagine growing a tree with the compost from your loved one. They actually BECOME the tree!!
I hope this idea spreads.

An artist vision of a future composting facility