Today's Evil Beet Gossip

An AI generated what dead celebrities might look like alive today

I’m fascinated with AI art.  I waited months on queue to get my invite to DALL-E, the hands down big daddy of AI art programs. There’s also an undress AI free tool that can generate nude versions of portraits.

But I love this idea of seeing how our dearly departed celebrity loves may look should they be alive still today.

I’m especially intrigued because recently someone told me that Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth were born the same year.  Yet because Marilyn died so young, we don’t see her as able to be that old.

Lets get into it.  Thanks to the MyModernMet for the tip!


Janis Joplin

Micheal Jackson

Kurt Cobain

Jimmy Hendrix

Heath Ledger

John Lennon

Freddy Mercury

Princess Diana