Spencer on the cover and today
This seems like a reach, but have your day in court, bro.
The baby made famous for being on the cover of Nirvana’s 1991 ‘Nevermind’ album cover is now suing the band for child pornography!
Spencer Eldon, now 30, said Nirvana and the estate of Kurt Cobain ‘trafficked’ his image as a naked baby and is claiming $2.5million in damages for being ‘exploited as a minor’. Which seems crazy to many.
According to the suit, filed in Los Angeles federal court, Elden said his parents never gave their release in writing for the photos, and were not paid.
This is despite 2008 reports that photographer Kirk Weddle paid Elden’s father Rich $200 for 15 seconds of work to appear in the snap, according to NPR.
In the eyes of the law, non sexualized naked pictures of infants are not considered porn and therefore are not subjected to the same penalization.
Elden says he’s forever tied to the album, which, yea, you’re welcome. And he says the band trafficked him by putting the album out. The whole thing sounds like a massive waste of court time and a total money grab. Hope someone talks him out of it.
Incidentally, Spencer has recreated the cover multiple times. So if he continues to be “tied” to the album it’s of his own doing.