Today's Evil Beet Gossip

‘Family Guy’s Stewie & Brian Make A Podcast During Quarantine,

Always love a little convo between best friends Stewie and Brian.  The colorful cartoon pair have had their fill of all the boring games around home and are hoping to branch out into media.

With the time indoors seeming to get longer and longer, I’m all on board to be amused by the two.

“Our goal is to help remind everyone that we can get through this with cooperation and togetherness,” Brian explains before launching into a rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine, imitating a bunch of other celebrities who released their own version last week. However, Stewie abruptly interrupts his canine companion’s singing session, telling him it’s “unwelcome, even in a global pandemic.”

Seth MacFarlane, who does the voices for the characters on the animated show, generously donated his Instagram for their musings. Check out the entire dialogue below.



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