(AP Photo/Peter Kramer)
When a pandemic virus attacks the very best Hollywood has to offer the world needs to be calmed and reassured. I would imagine Chet Hanks would be the person most of us would want out there as our mouth piece.
The 29 year old wanna be rapper spoke to the masses via the gram last night. “What’s up everyone? Yeah, it’s true. My parents got coronavirus. Crazy,” he said in the clip. “They’re both down in Australia right now because my dad was shooting a movie down there.”
Australia? But it’s summer there and Trump said the warm weather would kill the virus? but I digress…
“I just got off the phone with them. They both are fine,” he continued. “They’re not even that sick. They’re not worried about it. They’re not trippin’ but they’re going through the necessary health precautions obviously. But I don’t think it’s anything to be too worried about. I appreciate everyone’s concern and the well wishes but I think it’s all going to be alright but I appreciate it,” he added. “Everybody stay safe out there. Much love.”
Tom Hanks, himself, also took to IG to let everyone know whats what.
“Hello, folks. Rita and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive,” the actor wrote alongside a photo of a pair of gloves inside a hazardous waste disposal bin.
“Well, now. What to do next? The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed. We Hanks’ will be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires,” he shared. “Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no? We’ll keep the world posted and updated. Take care of yourselves!”