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Everything You Need to Know About Weddings in Canada


Marriages abroad are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Newlyweds often want to celebrate the most important moment of their lives only together or in the circle of the closest people. And it is not difficult to arrange such a wedding in Canada. 


Wedding planning 

Wedding in Canada is of 2 types: religious and civil. Each of them is held in the same way as in many other countries. Many priests have the same rights as official registrars. The wedding ceremony is organized here with special rituals. The venue of the ceremony is often decorated with flowers and balls. Newlyweds give consent to the marriage, vow to each other, and then go to the hall where guests can give their presents. By the way, it is good if you have expensive date ideas in your head. In Canada, people appreciate significant gifts, not trinkets. At the festive table, meat dishes, maple syrup, and wedding cake are always present. By the way, Canadians most often arrange a real feast where guests can try all kinds of delicacies. 


Features weddings in Canada 

Before marriage, a groom and a bride will be asked for the following documents: 

  • passports;
  • birth certificates if their age is under 18;
  • divorce certificate if they had a marriage.

After filing an application and before the registration of the marriage, a certain time must pass, which depends on the province. In most parts of the country, the ceremony can take place in 24 hours, but in Quebec, you have to wait up to 29 days, since you have to write about the upcoming wedding in a local newspaper. The fee for conducting the ceremony also depends on the province and varies from $20 to $250. By the way, in 2005, the country allowed the official registration of same-sex marriage. 


Outfits and accessories 

If you want a real traditional wedding in Canada, then you must follow local rules: 

  • The bride is usually dressed in a white dress;
  • The groom will be offered a choice of black, white or blue suit;
  • Bridesmaids are usually dressed in dresses of the same color;
  • Mothers of newlyweds also wear the same outfits.

By the way, the average price for a wedding dress in the country varies from $2,500 to $4,000. Gold here is also not cheap; for example, you will pay about $3,000 for two wedding rings. 


Wedding traditions of Canada 

  • Before the wedding, the engagement is mandatory. On the day of the engagement, the bridegroom in the presence of relatives and friends announces his intention to marry. The groom gives the bride a ring, and if she accepts it, it means she agrees to become his wife.
  • The wedding place is chosen by young people at their own discretion. This may be the place where they met, or where evening meetings were most often scheduled.
  • Everything should amaze with its elegance – invitations for guests, decor elements that adorn the hall where the celebration is held, and so on.
  • On the wedding day, the bride starts preparing early in the morning. She takes a bath to relax and then starts her preparation. Professional stylists make her an elegant makeup so as not to spoil the feeling of freshness and virginity. The image is completed by a snow-white wedding dress and veil, the length of which sometimes reaches several meters.
  • At church, the bride and her father go to the groom who is waiting at the altar. When the bride comes to the groom, the priest begins a religious ceremony where he reads special prayers, and the young ones give corresponding promises to each other. After exchanging wedding rings, newlyweds finish the ceremony with a kiss, after which everyone goes to the festive table.