When They See Us is the new Netflix series that covers the case of the Central Park Jogger and the Central Park 5.
Here’s the trailer for the series: It’s worth a watch.
Back in 1989, when the attack took place and the 5 young men were wrongfully convicted, Donald Trump took out a full page ad in New York City newspapers, calling to bring back the death penalty for “criminals of any age”. This is said to have had a role in the persecution of the men known as the “Central Park Five”
It looks like the internet has since found tweets from the President where he insults the creators of the Central Park 5 Documentary, claiming it to be one sided and again attempting to place the blame on the five young men who were wrongfully convicted.
It later turned out, after innocent men had already served 16+ years in jail, that the rape and beating of the Central Park Jogger was actually done by a serial rapist that had been attacking women in New York for some time.
Here’s the tweet.
And here is his ad..