Researchers from 24/7 Wall St. recently conducted a study to determine the 25 occupations with the highest fatality rates. To do so, they reviewed fatal injury rates for 72 occupations from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.
They calculated injury rates as the number of fatal occupational injuries per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers. They said a full-time worker is equivalent to 2,000 hours worked by an employee during the calendar year.
After analyzing the results, they determined fishers and related fishing workers, who make about $28,310 annually, had the most dangerous jobs. They counted 41 fatal and 120 nonfatal injuries in 2017, with transportation incidents being the most common fatal accident.
Ok… on with the list…
- Fishers and related fishing workers
- Logging workers
- Aircraft pilots and flight engineers
- Roofers
- Refuse and recyclable material collectors
- Structural iron and steel workers
- Driver/sales workers and truck drivers
- Farmers, ranchers and other agricultural managers
- First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service and groundskeeping workers
- Electrical power-line installers and repairers
- Miscellaneous agricultural workers
- First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers
- Helpers, construction trades
- Maintenance and repair workers, general
- Grounds maintenance workers
- Construction laborers
- First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers and repairers
- Police and sheriff’s patrol officers
- Operation engineers and other construction equipment operators
- Mining machine operators
- Taxi drivers and chauffeurs
- Athletes, coaches, umpires and related workers
- Painters, construction and maintenance
- Firefighters
- Electricians