Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Agoraphobic Sees the World via Google Street View

Curbed by the fear of experiencing a panic attack in a public place, Jacqui Kenny avoids airplanes and, generally, destinations outside of her comfort zones. “My main fear is flying,” she says. However, “if I’m having a bad day I won’t walk to the back of the supermarket.” Thanks to Google, Kenny is poised to circle the globe just as fast as Google’s iconic camera cars can document it.

I myself have spent hours combing the streets of the US and South America, but I’ve recently began finding the scenes of murders I’m learning about on Discovery ID. But I’ve digressed enough….

Kenny drops herself into regions where key aesthetic characteristics, like strong sunlight and a striking color palette, converge. “I literally just start going down the streets,” she says of her process; it can take days to land on a single composition.


Give it a try! Just go on Google maps and find an interesting area. Grab the little man in the lower right hand corner of the screen and drop him on any street.  In all seriousness, you can’t go wrong dropping your dude anywhere in Hawaii… here, start by walking the beaches of Hanalei Bay.