Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michelle and Barack still living it up with friends!

The Obama’s have been living it up since leaving the White House. Private islands, Palm Beach mansions and for several weeks now they’ve called Tahiti home. But this weekend they took to the sea with some special friends.

This weekend Michelle and Barry joined Oprah, Bruce Springsteen and wife Patti, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson aboard David Geffen’s Mega Yacht.  Not to shabby.

According to Travel + Leisure mag, “They went for lunch on Vanilla Island, made a stop at Le Taha’a Island, and will continue on to Bora Bora. The trip will end at the Brando, a luxury resort where Obama has stayed for the past three weeks while working on his White House memoirs.”

Here we see Barack getting a snap of his best gal Michelle on the deck of the yacht named “The Rising Sun”.


Barack takes Michelles picture



David Geffen’s Mega Yacht, The Rising Sun



Tom Hanks (center), Bruce Springsteen (left) and their wives Patti and Rita Wilson (huddled next to Barack and Michelle) all posed for a snap



The group all settled down for lunch beneath a large umbrella after climbing on board


2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I hope there was a conference room for them all to have a big discussion on climate change and how Americans should americans shouldnt drive suv’s or run their air conditioning this summer.