I love every home Meg Ryan gets her hand on and this SOHO gem is no exception. The 4,100 square foot flat is the perfect example of Ryan’s amazing reno design skills. Especially when you consider how different it was when she bought the place from Hank Azaria for $8 mil back in 2014.

The place as Hank Azaria had it back in 2014
Ryan added ebonized wood floors and black lacquered cabinets and left the exposed pipes on the ceiling, which add to the home’s factory-meets-elegance vibe.
The apartment spans the fifth floor of a building constructed in the 1880s, and has 2 bedrooms plus a sleeping area with French doors. She’s asking $10,900,000.
It doesn’t look like the same home anymore. I am so glad she expanded and opened up the kitchen. She did an incredible job.