Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Reese Witherspoon’s Daughter Is All Grown Up!

reese witherspoon daughter

Remember when Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe were THE couple? Now Reese is having trouble with the law and Ryan is some sort of maybe child murderer on a TV show. And in that time, their little girl, Ava, grew into a 15-year-old with blueish hair!

Ms. Witherspoon posted the above photo on Instagram with the caption,

Me and my girl [heart emoticon] ready for #HotPursuit premiere! @avaphillippe

And I’m just like, WHOA, HOLY SHIT, I FEEL OLD. How did this even HAPPEN? Man, time is a bitch!

Ava is fairly active on Instagram (apparently it’s her only social media account). And I gotta say, I think she looks just like her mom:


I don’t know if she’s planning to be an actress, but I could totally see her being the next Dakota Fanning.

Goddamn, I wish my parents were famous.

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