The last we heard about Jake Gyllenhaal‘s love life, he was possibly being linked to Rachel McAdams, but it seems like that story was a bust, and thank god (McAdams is way out of his league). No, Jake is totally single and ready to mingle – even if it’s with a woman his mom sets him up with!
Here’s what he had to say in an appearance on the Ellen show yesterday:
“Well, one thing I always do is I always bring my dates to my mother’s house for the first date,” he said, joking. “I think that’s a good move.”
Gyllenhaal said he heeds his mother’s advice when it comes to women and would “absolutely” trust her to set him up.
“My mother believes, she thinks arranged marriages might be able to work. Ya know what I mean, like in a good way,” he added. “She thinks that if she picked for me that I’d do a lot better.”
Maybe you would, Jake. After all, your track record isn’t all that impressive.
What do you think? Any of you have the hots for him/wanna volunteer to be his arranged marriage partner? Speak up now, you just might get the job.
Jakey isn’t on the market for serious g\fs but apparently its time for a beard.