THIS is Zach Galifianakis. FOR REAL!!!
Welcome to our SAG Awards fashion post, in which I’m in a miserable mood and trash the hell out of what celebrities are wearing. It’s sure to be a fun ride, so join me. Go through the photos and pick out who has the BEST, WORST, and most WTF outfit of the evening. Could be fun!!!
Claire Danes. The hell is this? Why does this need a belt? She looks stupid as hell. (Hey, I didn’t say this was going to be particularly witty.)
This suit further cements my opinion that Adrien Brody looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy at all awards shows.
This might be the best thing Amy Poehler‘s ever worn. Clearly, that’s not saying much.
Camila Alves stuns in a purple velour gown. Who else could stun in a purple velour gown? Not many.
Chelsea Peretti. Well, this isn’t the worst thing she’s ever worn, I’ll give her that. She actually looks sort of stellar. Good for her.
Eddie Redmayne. Well, he won. I didn’t vote for him TBH, but I would vote for him in a skinny pants-off. Nicely done.
I’m usually all about Emmy Rossum, but this grey gown is doing nothing for me.
Felicity Jones. This bitch is real hit-or-miss, isn’t she? She kinda looks like a bandaid, so Imma say “miss” on this one.
Jennifer Aniston. WTF is going on in her boobular area? I’m just gonna say it: it’s weird. This dress is not flattering.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Oh man, she’s worn better.
I love that Julia Roberts wore a suit. Good on you, girl. That is a nice, classy lady-suit.
Julianne Moore wore astro turf, it seems. Okay, not quite, but close enough. I’m not into it.
Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting. F-ck it, I HATE her hair. Hate it. The dress is kind of cute, but who can tell with that hair?
Keira Knightley is wearing moth-eaten purple doilies, good for her.
Kelly Osbourne also has hair I hate. And the outfit, too. Perfect!
Okay, so I usually think Laverne Cox nails it, but this is a hot Barbie mess.
Lorelei Linklater, WTF. She looks like a sad Goth X-mas tree angel.
Lupita NyOng’o is here. I am loving this stripey dress. It’s like Beetlejuice chic.
Maggie Gyllenhaal looks ridic. Her avant-garde bullshit is bordering on plain stupid. Sorry not sorry.
Naomi Watts looks like a damn chalkboard.
Patricia Arquette. She was a big winner tonight, but that dress is so ’90s Kate Winslet to me. Y’all know what I’m talking about.
Rashida Jones. This is a damn mess. That electric blue trim is so off putting.
Reese Witherspoon wore body-skimming white and looks fantastic.
Rosamund Pike in LOL WTF IS THIS SRSLY. This chick needs to hire a new stylist, ASAP. She’s been dressing like hell at every awards show.
Sarah Hyland. This isn’t terrible, but it isn’t wowing me either. It’s gorgeous for sure but I feel like there’s something missing to push it into the WOW factor.
I love me some Uzo Aduba, so I want to love this, but it just isn’t working for me. She looks like a Nike shoe.
I voted for Viola Davis, and I would also vote for this outfit. Love the white, love the hair.
Time to make your picks! Here’s mine:
BEST: Julia Roberts
WORST: Maggie Gyllenhaal
WTF: Rosamund Pike
Your turn!
ive been reading evil beet for six years and have passively watched as the qualities of the posts drop but you my friend are a new low.
First of all the dresses you pick are completely banal, im sure there is more excitement in celebrity award show fashion.
Second of all you should try harder with your posts, you use the word stupid way to much, you coments are neither funny nor insightful or knowledgeable in any way. Since you probably consider yourself a blogger you should really try harder as i said to qualify for at least one of the categories i mentioned. If you are getting payed for this shit at least do more then project the boring ass fleeting thoughts you get and think of them as posts…. I mean im sorry but its obvious you are putting zero effort into this..
julia roberts who you picked as best look short and stumpy and is wearing something completely unflattering as opposed to maggie who looks elongated and slim which i assume is the goal.
I dont know, im sorry again for beeing mean or whatever but this is your job if you pride yourself at all with evilbeet …. you must live up to yourself and the history it has and the readers who continue to come here….
You should never apologize for your opinion–it is yours! The world would be a boring place if we all agreed all the time. Is it not better to have differing opinions on fashion than on say..child beating (hopefully we are all against that one!). Also, it is so strange to me how you correctly use “banal” but fail to use “too” correctly: “stupid way to much”. I do not know where you are..but find the use of “payed” and not “paid” interesting. See, these are just my opinions so take them or leave them, but I will not apologize for them (we need more people who will stand up and own their opinions!!!!)
That’s EXACTLY how I feel about this site. You nailed it.
Julia Roberts best dressed? Hahahahaha. Those pants look ridiculous and don’t even fit properly. Someone has foggy writers vision.
I think the writers here have ‘lost their talents’.
totally agree. and pointing out grammar and spelling mistakes instead of having an actual opinion on the MATTER is very classy huh
the lack of effort from the writers – and love for this blog, honestly – is clear. and quite disappointing.
Yeah agreed. Julia Roberts best dressed? Smh
I too have been reading EBG for years and these posts are too negative all the time, they’re not funny, sure I came to this site for the different blogging style, but these posts have been to negative/no interesting/entertaining lately :/. I personally really did not like what you wrote about Zooey Deschanel, it was very unnecessary and just mean, I was like man…. chill she’s just having a baby and decided to get married after not too long, but she seems like a normal person not a “crazy celebrity” so it could be a well thought decision, I too decided to get married after “only” seven months of dating and it’s been great but the thing is being mean does not equal funny. Hope you try harder as the commenter above me is saying.
best: (tie) Claire Danes (though I agree the belt is wrong) and Viola Davis
worst: Sarah Hyland (the hair–just cannot get past that!!!)
wtf: Lorelei Linklater (so agree with sad Goth Christmas tree angel)
Best Lupita and Reesie
Worst Pike and Kelly
WTF Maggie
Hmmmm.. I’m glad others are chiming in so I don’t have to.. but I sorta half agree, half don’t. I liked “Boobular”. I laughed at that. I’d seen the dress yesterday so I figgered you’d comment, and while I don’t think the dress is half bad, yeah, lotsa boobs rollin’ round there.
Some of your critique might be based on something other than the picture shown here. Mebbe you watched them on the red carpet, or saw other views. I agree, the pantsuit Julia Roberts wore looks a bit odd in this photo but I could see how half a stride later it might’ve looked great. Your thoughts?
I wonder how many of the people on here that are judging the writing on here are blog writers, or get paid to write for a magazine, webpage, news paper… ect. Since everyone on here seems to be an expert.
I’m am certainly not an expert, English is not even my first language but I have been reading this blog since Sasha was writing, so I’ve have continued reading this site for many years and I think I know “the style” of this blog and like I said it’s been super negative lately.
I’m a paid writer,. I am an educator………. and used to read this blog all the time. I have seen the writing go down hill the past couple of years (seems like there have been a few transitions)……and it’s just plain awful now. I keep thinking it will change. I just need to accept and move on.
I come to this site, partly out of impulse…..I most like pictures anyway…..yet come on. It’s just sloppy.
I have been coming to EBG since 2007, once my absolute favorite gossip site, I now, too, come out of impulse. Almost habitual. I was devastated (in the most sense you can be from an online site) when Sasha left, but felt reassured as some of the other writers after offered a glimmer of hope. This site is nearly defunct at this point though. I agree with everyone who is saying that there doesn’t seem to be much effort involved whatsoever. Shame shame.
im glad im not the only one, i pointed out something similiar in another post and finally someone agrees with me. i too used to read sashas posts and the quality has really dropped. I find this writer negative and most of the time unnnecesarily mean. i can find an example in this post right here, she calls herself a feminist but then talks about a fellow woman (Felicity Jones) using derogatory terms like “this bitch” .its just really bad taste and plain bad writing
You do realize there are two writers here, right? Not just one?
BIG YAWN!!! I’ve never seen a more boring group of dresses. Camila and Lupita were the best ones everything else wtf?! Even the best ones were nothing extraordinary
Best: Camila Alves
Worst: Kiera Knightley
WTF: Rosamund Pike
I agree with almost all of the previous post. This is not the Evil Beet it used to be. The comments/blogs/opinions are just mean spirited and stupid! I also hate this “floating” website. And BTW you often post NSFW before several of your posts or pictures but why do you not warn us before we open some “intriguing sounding” post on your links to pure porn sites????
OMG you guys! It a free blog. Its not like you paid/payed just to read it. If you buy a mag and the articles are shits, you’d be mad and want a refund. If the mag are given for free, would you care? Cheer up!