Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bachelorette Had Sex On Camera


Who here is a fan of The Bachelor (or even The Bachelorette?). This one’s for you. Courtney Robertson, a Bachelor contestant (Season 16), has a new book out, I Didn’t Come Here To Make Friends. In it, she describes some very detailed behind-the-scenes (and in-front-of-the-scenes) moments from the show, including the time she had sex with The Bachelor, Ben Flajnik. Via Huffington Post:

To answer your question, yes. Ben and I did have sex in the ocean. On-camera. It was immediate but it was only for about 20 seconds and, um, it was just the tip.

She also talks about her time in “The Fantasy Suite”, the only time when the Bachelor/ette and their chosen one are left entirely alone, without cameras. Yup, sex went down. Without condoms (the producers didn’t leave them any, just “rose petals and candles”, though they do ask all the ladies if they’re on birth control):

Ten minutes after we were in the cottage, the camera crews, handlers, and producers scrammed, and we were completely alone for the first time ever. We immediately ripped each other’s clothes off and had intense, passionate sex on the couch in front of the fire. We did every position under the sun, but I believe I sealed the deal when we successfully completed the reverse cowgirl.

All to the sounds of Bon Iver, according to Ms. Robertson.

Robertson and Flajnik got engaged in the final episode, but broke up a few months later. Of his chosen bachelorette, Flajnik said, “She just had me fooled.”

What do you think of these revelations? Are you surprised?

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Eww, so bad for your genitals! Also, protip for everyone, do NOT have sex underwater. Water gets pushed up into the cervix and can build enough pressure to cause damage to the ovaries, etc. In water is probably fine, like under a shower, etc. Even then, no lubrication.. ew…

  • She’s a s k a n k looking for attention. This season of the show was how many years ago?? Desperate to be relevant. Her parents must be so proud of her.