Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh no! Harrison Ford injured on the set of ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’

harrison ford

Bad news already from the Star Wars: Episode VII set: Harrison Ford was injured yesterday when he was hit by a falling hydraulic door. He was taken to hospital for further treatment and should be okay, though he will miss an unknown amount of filming due to a fractured ankle.

From The Telegraph:

The actor was at Pinewood studios in Buckinghamshire when a hydraulic door fell down and hit him as he began work on Star Wars: Episode VII.

Mr Ford, 71, who also played Indiana Jones, was immediately assessed by medics on the M Stage at the studios close to spaceship, the Millennium Falcon, and he was taken by stretcher onto a helicopter for further treatment.

A spokeswoman for South Central Ambulance Service said: “We were called at 4.24pm to Pinewood to reports of a 71-year-old male who had sustained an injury to his ankle from a door that had fallen.”

Mr Ford was taken by air ambulance to the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford with a suspected fracture in his ankle. It is understood he has no major chest injuries but is awaiting results of further tests.

A spokesman for franchise owner Disney, said: “Harrison Ford sustained an ankle injury during filming today on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII. He was taken to a local hospital and is receiving care.

“Shooting will continue as planned while he recuperates.”

Glad to hear that his injuries weren’t too serious, but nevertheless, film sets are dangerous, especially when you’re working with so much high-tech equipment that can go wrong so easily. Those who will get injured in office spaces as a result of negligence may consider consulting a Milwaukee workers comp attorney.

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  • Why didn’t they just take him to the same place that fixed Luke’s hand?
    Han could be rockin a robot foot right now!
    And why doesn’t the Falcon have med facilities?