Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Another Day, Another Topless Lady GaGa Photo

lady gaga topless Lady GaGa is totally a model now, and has styled herself to look exactly like Donatella Versace (not sure why anyone would do that) in her new campaign for the fashion house. While we've already seen the image that's been appearing in magazines over the past couple of months, now we've got a new shot in which GaGa has no top on. Because of course she doesn't. It's a bit of a nothing photo, really, isn't it? There's nothing sexy or alluring about it, nothing about that dead-behind-the-eyes look that would make me want...

Who Inspires Britney Spears?

britney spears The answers... well, no, they won't surprise you at all. They're pretty vanilla and middle-of-the-road, so let's just reveal them: Beyoncé, Bruno Mars and Justin Timberlake. I will say that Brit has been talking a lot about JT lately - is she regretting letting their romance go? We all know they are the OTP of '90s pop, so it's understandable, but that ship has unfortunately sailed... From USA Today: Spears pointed admiring fingers anywhere but at herself, telling USA TODAY that she "looks up to Beyoncé,...

Rihanna Is Going “Straight to the Club” on Next Album

rihanna Rihanna is one of the most prolific popstars in terms of releases - she tends to put out an album a year, which means we should be do another one pretty soon. Well, here's a little hint as to what's to come: she's going "straight to the club" with someone called DJ Mustard. I don't know a single thing about DJ Mustard or what he does, but I'm into Rihanna's club tracks, so let's see what he's got to say. From Hip Hollywood: It looks like 2014 is going to be another year full of Rihanna club ...


kaley cuoco Just how good was Kaley Cuoco's wedding? [Amy Grindhouse] Have you ever wanted to see Katie Holmes in a bikini? [The Superficial] Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie go ice skating? I'm into it! [Lainey Gossip] Miley Cyrus wants you to do 2013 in style [Drunken Stepfather - NSFW] The last thing I want to do in the snow is get naked, but okay... [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW] Gwyneth Paltrow is bringing back mom jeans just for you [ICYDK] Clint Eastwood's son really wants to be a "man's man" [Celebitchy]...

Kate Winslet is Worried for Miley Cyrus

kate winslet Kate Winslet is a beautiful goddess who can do no wrong (yes, that's sarcasm), but her pedestal fell a few notches this week when she began offering thoughts on - of all god-forsaken topics - Miley Cyrus. You see, Kate has a young daughter of her own, so seeing stars like Miley go off the deep end is concerning to her as a mother, and she wonders what Miley's fate will be. From Psychologies: "You hear horror stories where you think, 'God, who's looking after these people and why does it ...


north west kim kardashian engagement ring Kim Kardashian really wants you to be jealous of her engagement ring [Amy Grindhouse] What's happening here with Coco, her sister and that turkey's ass? [The Superficial] Demi Moore is better than ever in 2014 [Lainey Gossip] Who is Bryana Holly and where are all her clothes? [Drunken Stepfather - NSFW] Beyoncé rang in the new year with no pants on [ICYDK] Shia LaBeouf is sorry he's such a plagiarist, blames booze [Bohomoth] Did Charlize Theron go on vacation with Sean Penn...

Ke$ha Directed Her First Video, ‘Dirty Love’

ke$ha dirty love Ke$ha has seemingly, in the words of Wilson Phillips, managed to "break free from the chains" just long enough to direct her own music video. The song is called 'Dirty Love', and the video is... I suppose fitting of the title? She plays a stripper and wears a lot of lingerie, so I guess that's "dirty". The love bit doesn't seem to be anywhere, but hey, one out of two ain't bad. I'm not quite sure what there was to "direct" here, as there's not much of a plot - it's Ke$ha singing and dancing ...

‘Fresh Prince’ Actor James Avery Has Died

Palm & Sprint Benefit For Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans Of America - Arrivals I was literally just talking with a friend about Fresh Prince of Bel Air with a friend yesterday morning and not an hour later, news that James Avery, who played Uncle Phil on the sitcom, had passed away on New Year's Eve at the age of 68. The cause of death was said to be complications resulting from open heart surgery he recently received in Los Angeles. Really sad news. Alfonso Ribeiro, who played his son Carlton on the series, was really struck by the loss and posted messages on both Twitter a...

Taylor Swift Is In Trouble Over a Rock Wall

taylor swift I'm sort of simplifying things here a bit, but here's the gist: Taylor Swift bought a massive house in Watch Hill, Rhode Island and has been doing construction on the property, especially outside - she's attempting to make the house more private by moving boulders along the coast (the house is along the water) to build a wall. The problem is, they don't have a permit and apparently the moving of the boulders might eventually affect the coastline. Uh oh! Here's a photo of the house for refer...

Leonardo DiCaprio Promises ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ Isn’t That Awful

leonardo dicaprio The Wolf of Wall Street is getting a lot of shit lately for being pretty awful. Martin Scorsese has been getting harassed at screenings, critics have been writing some pretty scathing things... it's not a good deal. I can't speak too much on the movie either way because I haven't seen it and have no interest in it, but word on the street is that it's a really unrepentant glorification of Wall Street greed with zero consequences for the pigs who benefit by fucking other people over. Whether or not that holds any truth is neither here ...

Stevie Nicks Is Down with the Kids

john mayer katy perry stevie nicks I love Stevie Nicks - she's a legend, a genius and a total weirdo. She also seems to be in a phase of her life where she's trying to stay hip with the kids. She's officiating pop weddings, speaking out on celebrity death and now she's even dedicating songs to our favourite lovebirds, John Mayer and Katy Perry. John and Katy went to a Fleetwood Mac concert on Sunday night in Las Vegas, where they got a special surprise: Stevie dedicated the band's performance of 'Landslide' to them. Aw, isn't that sweet? Katy has said before that she and Stevie are "buds", and I ...

‘Dance Moms’ Drama Is Back TONIGHT!

I know I already told you how much I love Dance Moms, but now it's getting serious - the fourth season premieres TONIGHT. I don't think I've been this excited since we got surprised with the new Beyoncé album last month. What's going to happen now that the girls are national champions? Who's going to crack under the pressure? Who will quit dancing FOREVER? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME. All I know is this: this season will definitely include lots of drama! Abby's going on a nationwide tour to scout for new star dancers, and you know that means a fight with the other girls' mothers is inevitable. These women are ruthless when it comes to someone stealing their babies' spotlight. Can't you just hear the blood-curdling screams right now? If you were already planning on watching, congratulations - you have great taste. If you weren't, do yourself a favor and tune in. Come on - the tagline is "She'll make you or break you!" this season! The drama is gonna be delicious! Need more? Check out the previews at the site. />I know I already told you how much I love Dance Moms, but now it's getting serious - the fourth season premieres TONIGHT. I don't think I've been this excited since we got surprised with the new Beyoncé album last month. What's going to happen now that the girls are national champions? Who's going to crack under the pressure? Who will quit dancing FOREVER? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME. All I know is this: this season will definitely include lots of drama! Abby's going on a nationwide tour to scout f...