Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Vegan Beyoncé Wears Fur Coat


As you know, Jay-Z and Beyoncé are on a 22-day vegan journey to cleanse themselves of the deliciousness of animal byproducts. Three weeks without bacon, cheese and eggs sounds like absolute torture to me, but they’re all in and truly dedicating themselves to the cause. That’s why Beyoncé, glowing from her new-found luminous complexion which is clearly the results of eating only from the earth, headed out to Native Foods, a vegan restaurant in Hollywood, donning a fur coat. LOLLLLLLLL!

Who else do you know who would have the balls to go to a VEGAN RESTAURANT in a fucking fur coat? And don’t even try to tell me that she’s wearing faux fur. She’s Beyoncé, ya turkey. She doesn’t wear faux fur. This just screams hilariousness to me. 5 out of 5, would view again.

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