Simon Cowell isn’t really concerned with much in life besides money and how much of it he can make and, I suppose, now his love child with his soon-to-be shotgun wife. That being said, I’m not really surprised that he doesn’t “get” Russell Brand‘s political passion and call for change and that he thinks the best way for Russell to fight “the man” is to give back all his money. Uh…….
Here’s what Cowell told Shortlist magazine:
“A revolution? He’s getting $10 million per movie. I mean, come on! Well, give your money back then, Russell.
“I always say that about people. Start off as you mean to go on. Donate all the money back to the revolution and then I’ll believe it. I’m living in a 10 million dollar mansion and I want a revolution? Give me a break.”
I sort get the point he’s TRYING to make, but I just don’t think it holds water. Here’s the thing: as Russell himself has pointed out, no one listens to the poor people. That’s the people he’s fighting for, and he’s doing it because while they’re fighting for themselves, it’s easy to shush people up who have no power. He’s using his platform – which, yes, comes with money – in order to try and MAKE the authorities listen. He’s much more visible than your average joe who works at a sanitation plant down the street.
Second of all, last I checked, Simon Cowell doesn’t have access to Russell’s personal accounts and therefore has no idea what kind of donations he makes or how much money he gives away to whatever cause. Saying that someone’s feelings are invalid because of how much money they have is absolutely ridiculous, so Simon Cowell needs to shut the fuck up.
Also, I’m shocked that I’m defending Russell Brand when I don’t even really like the guy very much, but I just feel like it was called for here. Oh, and below is the Newsnight interview Russell did that really kicked all this off – it’s well worth the watch.