Kelly Clarkson has pretty much been shouting from the mountaintops about how desperate she is for her new husband, Brandon Blackstock, to get her pregnant in time for Christmas. She’s desperate for a baby, she wants to be a mother, she wants to be pregnant, she wants a baby in her, she can’t wait to have kids, she loves being a stepmother, blah blah fucking blah. However, while she used every press outlet that would listen to tell about her baby wishes, there’s one thing she isn’t going to do: tell you when she’s actually pregnant. Uh…
As she coyly responded to questioning on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno:
“We are not announcing anything right now. We’re not, no.”
Now, I don’t for one second think she IS pregnant, but I wish to hell she’d shut up about it until she is, or until she gets a big enough “baby bump” that the press picks up on it anyway and she can’t really deny it anymore. We get it, you are having fun having sex *giggle giggle* and trying for a baby. Whoopdidoo, Kelly. I like you – please don’t make it so difficult to continue.
Here’s Kelly’s full interview with Jay, if you care: