Shia LaBeouf is a total mess, and I can’t imagine any woman would find him attractive. And yet, he obviously thinks he’s the shit and that it was a good idea to post a photo of himself naked on Twitter. Of course, it cuts off just above The D (thank God, I’ve just had my breakfast), but even the little bit we see is enough to make me gag.
The photo isn’t some random selfie he took when bored (though I’m sure he’s got plenty of those on his phone), but it is from a movie called Charlie Countryman, in which he plays an American living in Romania who falls in love with a woman that has ties to a gangster. Sounds pretty generic and not at all exciting, but Melissa Leo is in it and she’s great. On the other hand, Rupert Grint (Ron from Harry Potter) also stars. LOL, I kid, love u Ron.