PETA is pissed at Katy Perry and I am automatically on whatever team PETA is against. But that’s just me. Why is PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) steamed? Because of Katy Perry’s “Roar” video, which features a lot of animals that they think were abused. Here’s their statement, via Variety:
Animals used for entertainment endure horrific cruelty and suffer from extreme confinement and violent training methods. They often become stressed and anxious when hauled around and forced into unfamiliar or frightening situations.
Yeah, I’m sure that tiger definitely felt threatened when Katy Perry stared at it via green screen. I think they just peruse the tabloids online and COMMAND + F for “animals” or “animal fur” or “meat” and see what pops up that they can rally against.
But I think PETA sucks, so who knows. ALTHOUGH, I will agree that Beyoncé’s sneakers made from 5 different animal skins were excessive and gross.
Then Miley Cyrus the Virus abuses bears, midgets, and oh yeah, black women. Who is worse?