Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amanda Bynes Is Going After Lance Bass Now

amanda bynes lance bass

There’s obviously no use in continuing to say it, but here goes: Amanda Bynes has a serious problem. They couldn’t 5150 her after her arrest, so she’s obviously able to pull it together and sound cogent enough to avoid being committed, but something is really wrong and she needs help. It seems like Lance Bass agrees, since he mentioned as much about his (former?) friend during a recent radio interview. Bad choice, Lance – Amanda heard it and now he’s on her “ugly” list.

Lord, have mercy.

LOL, well there’s a theory. Lance Bass, you are behind Amanda’s craziness! The tweets made Lance have all kinds of feelings and now he’s wondering if she’s actually in control of her own Twitter account (newsflash: she is).

lance 1


Damn, I feel for Lance. Drugs suck!

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  • They were both molested as fresh Hollywood meat. Good to see Lance rose above and kept his head on straight…so to speak. It’s weird to see so many celebs speak up about this Bynes weirdness! Random “stars” actually care. Hmm…