Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kendall Jenner Responds To Angry Beans

kendall jenner instagram twitter

Kendall Jenner got slammed on twitter by Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain‘s kid, Frances Bean Cobain a few days and she responded on Facebook. Which is kind of…I mean why not respond on twitter? Angry Beans responded to Ms. Jenner’s stupid tweet “Just wish things could be easier sometimes mann” with two long tweets containing such wise nuggets as “There are kids on earth abandoned&homeless” and blah blah ending with “humans are so self involved.”

From Radar, via DListed:

i am aware that i am very privileged and blessed, and im thankful for that everyday, i know there are greater problems in the world. i pray for those people every night and give back as much as i can. so who are u to judge me?

However, and as DListed pointed out, the Facebook post has been deleted. If it was even there. What really annoys me is that Jenner keeps using “i” and “u” — it’s Facebook, you can spare the characters.

I mean this has to be one of the more boring “celebrity” twitter exchanges ever, right? Even the Jenny McCarthy/Amanda Bynes face-off was more interesting.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Kendall never said what she wished could be easier. Who knows what she was talking about? I say that about the world’s events. I wish things could be easier.

    Bean is a shit stirring little bitch. Judge Bean, not Kendall. Bean is jealous of Kendall and why not? Bean has no family. Kendall has mega family. Bean’s Mother is nutso. Kris is a manager with issues, but not nearly as toxic as Courtney Love…etc.

    Bean is a disturbed and nasty girl who needs to learn to mind her own business.

    • Her Father committed suicide. Bean was removed from her Mother’s custody. The poor girl has a million reasons to be jealous of Kendall and envious of her situation. It’s a blessing that the media is picking on Kendall rather than Frances. Frances has some “issues”.

  • Like any other Kardashian/Jenner clan member, it is safe to assume that Kendall was speaking about herself. These people ONLY think about themselves. We all think Kendall is a f*cking idiot, the only difference is that Frances said it. From the photo, at least it appears that Kendall’s acne has cleared up. I would feel bad saying it about any other young adult, but her mother thrusts her out into theodeling world & she is a willful participant. I have eyes, I’ve seen their show, her complexion was awful.

  • If she is so privileged why can’t she get a camera/phone that takes in focus photos! LOLZ

    This is the stupidest fight ever. Both girls are privileged. Regardless of her dad committing suicide when she was an INFANT..etc. I don’t feel bad or side with either one of these brats. They would spit on you in the street, and have more money than you ever will in your life!

    New reality like a regular joe for one year! Starring Will Smiths kid, The little whore in this story, and the other little whore in this story.