Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ke$ha’s Got A New Look And It’s Awful


Ke$ha, our dear Ke$ha, is currently in Los Angeles filming her new video for ‘Crazy Kids’ and I guess she felt she needed to look the part, because she’s looking a bit stranger than usual. But hey, she’s fun! She’s zany! She’s just like everyone else! Most of all, she’s my best friend because she can’t stand Perez Hilton, just like me and the rest of the human race with working brains.

Anyway, the first thing I thought of when I saw the photos from the set were that Ke$ha looks a whole lot like James Franco’s character from Spring Breakers. The second thing I thought is, “Why, Ke$ha?” The third thing I thought is that it’s really sunny out and I should go get an iced coffee, so I think I’ll do that real quick.

Also, for selfish reasons, answer me the following question:


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  • Saw photos not too long ago when Ke$ha was going on a late night talk show and she was (all things considered) pretty great looking and slim. Her hair was long blonde Hollywood gorgeous, in fact. I guess this get up would not be flattering on the best of figures but this does NOT look like the same good looking dame that was being photographed a couple weeks ago. Hopefully, this is just for a gig because this ain’t hip or freaky. It is butt ugly.