Today's Evil Beet Gossip

They Made A Porn Version Of Parks & Recreation

porn parks and rec

Amy Poehler‘s been pornified. Her TV show, Parks & Recreation, was made into its very own porn version called Porks & Recreation. I gotta say, the chick who plays her Leslie Knope character has her voice down, and the guy who plays Nick Offerman’s Ron Swanson character is A+.

There’s no comment yet from Poehler or anyone involved on the show. They HAVE to see this. Do you think it can be as good as the Seinfeld porno starring James Deen? Yeah, there was a Seinfeld porno, that happened. Deen played Seinfeld.

Here’s the trailer, with absolutely 0% nudity, porn, or porny language. Still, watch at your own risk.



And here are some photos of Ms. Poehler from the White Horse Correspondents’ Dinner this week. Thankfully Tom Brokaw didn’t have to chase Lohan out of there with a rake, while screaming about his lawn. I (kind of?) like her dress, but not the hair and makeup. Why is it always like that with this chick? If it’s not the dress, it’s the shoes; if it’s not the hair, it’s the dress, and so on and so forth until we all die.

amy poehler white house

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