"The image... is one of a suite of images taken from inside the magazine, presenting Ms Williams in a series of eight different imaginary characters. All the characters in the story were inspired by multiple fashion and cultural references, characters and eras, as well as by our admiration of Ms Williams as one of the most respected and talented actresses of her generation."
I'm inclined to read this as sincere. It's also difficult to question whether people think too big of a deal is being made by this because chances are, most of us are white people who don't have to deal with cultural or racial oppression on a daily basis. Still, I wonder if this wasn't sensationalised just a little and question where we draw the line between artistic expression and cultural appropriation/racism. />This is a tough story to write for several reasons. One, I really love Michelle Williams and think she's lovely and a wonderful actress and all that. Two, I really, honestly don't believe there was a single racist motivation behind this photoshoot for the British publication AnOther magazine, which sees her dressed in "redface" - you know, Native American garb. Mind you, lack of intention doesn't negate the fact that something is wrong and/or offensive, which is the point writers over at Jezebel were...