Beyoncé Is The New Face of H&M and Will Soon Take Over the World March 21, 2013JenniferBeyonce Above is the first image for Beyoncé's upcoming campaign for H&M from the 'Beyoncé as Mrs Carter in H&M' collection. That's right, Beyoncé is taking over the world. She's got a new tour, new (sorta shitty) music and now a new fashion campaign. What can't she do? Seriously, is there something she can't do? Because I'd like to see it. She's only starting her comeback and even as a massive Bey fan, I'm feeling overloaded already. Anyway, she's recorded a new track for the "epic fantasy"-t...
Miley Cyrus Is Wearing Her Engagement Ring Again So Everyone Can Shut Up Now March 21, 2013JenniferLiam Hemsworth, Miley Cyrus Look, we all know that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's relationship is dunzo. It's over, finished, kaput. He's f-cked off to Australia and she's getting ugly new tattoos and ne'er the twain shall meet again... OR WILL IT? Miley wants to keep everyone guessing, so after she was photographed without her engagement ring on a few occasions over the past week and people started to take it as a sign that the reports of the couple's split were correct, she decided to change the whole game and (dun dun dunnnn) put the ring b...
theAMlinks March 21, 2013JenniferUncategorized Eddie Redmayne in W Magazine is a beautiful thing to behold [ICYDK] 'Teen Mom' Farrah has been arrested again, this time for DUI [The Superficial] Shailene Woodley is going to be in 'The Fault In Our Stars' [Lainey Gossip] Adele might be getting married to her baby daddy [Bohomoth] Bobby Brown released from prison after nine hours [Starpulse] Ashley Benson goes back to blonde and looks good that way [Splash News Online] Kim Kardashian might rent out an entire hospital floor to ...
Ryan Gosling Takes Time Off From Acting, The World Cries March 21, 2013JenniferRyan Gosling I feel like a traitor to all human beings when I say that Ryan Gosling doesn't do much for me. I know that makes sense since I'm like a young Ellen DeGeneres without the short haircut and all the money, but I feel like anyone with a pulse can see Ryan's draw. Is he handsome? Sure. Is he a total sweetie? Seems to be. I just can't seem to muster the enthusiasm for him that so many people (okay, mostly all women) do. In any case, if you're in the group of people who's gaga for Gosling, this is going to hit hard: ...
Rihanna’s Bus Got Stopped By Canadian Customs & Surprise! There Was Weed On It March 21, 2013JenniferRihanna Rihanna's currently on her Diamonds world tour and frankly, I don't know how she does it. When I was in my stoner phase, I literally fell asleep at 8pm and could barely find enough energy to make the box of macaroni & cheese I ended up eating the whole thing of, let alone perform at sold-out venues across the world. Still, she's somehow doing it and on her way to Canada, shit got real when her tour buses were searched at customs and weed was found. Revealing that weed was found on one of Ri...
Everyone Hates Breakfast At Tiffany’s On Broadway March 21, 2013Catherine St. IvesBroadway, Emilia Clarke Breakfast At Tiffany's, the Truman Capote novella, was famously adapted to film starring Audrey Hepburn and recently for Broadway, starring Emilia Clarke. Unfortunately, the reviews suggest they should have stopped at the movie. Let's take a look. Showbiz411: Emilia Clarke is obviously talented, but she is so miscast as Holly Golightly that it’s kind of shocking. Chicago Tribune: There's no palpable connection between [lead characters] Fred and Holly...[Clarke] has the air of an impostor, which is good (and her best quality in this role)...
Bachelor Biceps Isn’t Living With His Fiancée March 21, 2013Catherine St. IvesSean Lowe Sean Lowe, AKA Bachelor Biceps, isn't sleeping with his fiance Catherine Boringwhatever until their wedding night, but they're apparently not going to live together until after they're married either. Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. You met on a dating show, got engaged after six weeks based on about four dates, some of which were spent with other women, had only one sleepover (sans sex), and now never get time to see each other because one of you is doing Dancing with the Stars. Oh dud...
The Editor Of Esquire Is A Douche March 20, 2013Catherine St. IvesCameron Diaz Esquire's UK editor, Alex Bilmes, made comments so douchey I thought I was reading The Onion for a second. Nope. At a panel discussion on feminism (!), Mr. Bilmes almost went out of his way to make the most anti-feminist statements ever. As reported in Gawker, Alex Bilmes said this: The women that we feature in the magazine are ornamental. That is how we see them. I could lie to you and say [we're] interested in their brains as well, but on the whole, we're not. They're there to be ...
Pete From Mad Men Got Engaged To Rory Gilmore March 20, 2013Catherine St. IvesAlexis Bledel, Vincent Kartheiser Vincent Kartheiser, most well-known for his role as Pete in Mad Men, got engaged to Alexis Bledel, best known for her role as Rory Gilmore in Gilmore Girls, The Washington Post confirms. I totally forgot that they did a handful of Mad Men episodes together, probably because their story line was f-cking terrible. Kartheiser is 33 and Bledel is 31 and this is their first marriage. Woohoo to both. (Not sarcasm.) In May of 2012, Ms. Bledel gave an interview about her scenes with Mr. Kartheiser (vi...
Jon Hamm’s Dong Is Annoying March 20, 2013Catherine St. IvesJon Hamm Jon Hamm apparently has a penis too big to be contained in skinny pants, and this is very annoying for the costume designers and producers of Mad Men. This is celebrity gossip at its finest. NewNowNext has the whole dongalicious story. “This season takes place in the 1960s, where the pants are very tight and leave little to the imagination,”a source told the Daily News. “Jon’s impressive anatomy is so distracting.” Well what can the well-endowed star do about that you ask? He can’t hide his God-given gift, can he? Well, you see,...
‘Homeland’ Update: Damian Lewis Is a Buzzkill, Says Carrie and Brody Are Over March 20, 2013JenniferDamian Lewis, Homeland Everyone knows that Claire Danes and Damian Lewis as Carrie and Brody on Homeland are absolutely f-cking brilliant. And they're also just f-cking a lot - well, were, until all hell broke loose and that car bomb went off and whatnot. They're the worst possible couple in the world, but that's sort of why they're so great to watch. No love quite like tragic love - in TV and film, of course. In real life, that shit needs to go. Anyway, that's all coming to a close for good, I guess, as Buzzkill Damian accepted the...
One Direction Fans Want to Kill Liam Payne’s Puppy March 20, 2013JenniferLiam Payne, One Direction In the latest episode of "Teenage Girls Are Batshit Crazy", some One Direction fans aren't too keen on the fact that Liam Payne has a new girlfriend in Danielle Peazer, is happy with her and that the pair have got a new puppy together. They're so pissed off about it, in fact, that they're threatening to kill the dog as a form of... revenge? Idiocy? Insanity? All three? Everybody meet mine and @daniellepeazer new dog Loki :)…— Liam Payne (@Real_Liam_Payne) March 17, 2013 Liam announced the dog's arrival on his Twitter p...