Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Chris Brown Is A Wanted Man in Ghana

chris brown

Everyone hates Chris Brown, including his “fans” in Ghana, where he’s apparently wanted for prosecution for smoking weed on stage and promoting drug use and “taking up arms” during his show earlier this month at the Accra Sports Stadium Concert in honor of the 56th anniversary of the country’s independence. After asking the crowd if they smoke weed, the walking shit smear lit a blunt on stage and said, “If anybody is tripping off ya’ll smoking weed, f-ck them. Shit, I got my blunt right here.”


“He promoted an illegality,” Ghanaian youth activist Jonathan Osei-Owusu, told “You can see from the video and yet he was let go free.”

Osei-Owusu is the executive director of Perfector of Sentiments [POS], a youth advocacy organization in Ghana. He is leading the campaign to have Chris Brown stand trial for promoting the public smoking of marijuana to a stadium full of young people.

In a petition obtained by Osei-Owusu calls on key figures in Ghana, including Parliament and the U.S. Ambassador in Ghana, to act. He accuses Brown of inciting young people to rage against their country’s laws.

“He is on video to have encouraged the audience to take up arms against people who stand in their way to smoking weed,” the statement reads. “In our prisons, many are incarcerated for same.”

Listen, no one gives a shit that you smoke weed. It should be decriminalized – if not fully legalized. Still, Chris Brown is like a 16-year-old who just smoked his first joint in his parents’ garage while they were out for the night and thinks he’s sooooo cool bragging about it the next day at school. Just light up and shut up already.

The event organizers have said it was an orchestrated stunt and Brown was not smoking marijuana. But Osei-Owusu insists that it was weed Brown was puffing on stage.

“When you live in the city or the village, you understand the smell of marijuana,” he said. “I was there. We smelled weed. That is what he promoted.”

Not only does Ghana have strict laws against drug possession and use, the country recently passed a law to ban smoking tabacco in public places. The penalty can be a steep fine and/or up to three years in prison.

“The last two days, I have been with the police and an investigation has commenced,” Osei-Owusu said. “The police have moved swiftly and they are not leaving anything unturned.”

Bless Osei-Owusu’s heart – he’s really going for it. You’d think, since he’s a youth advocate, that he’d be equally – if not more – concerned about the message Chris Brown sends to kids about how to treat women – you know, not beating the shit out of them or talking about how you “own that p-ssy” in front of crowds of people. Or you might worry that he might teach your youth intolerance and abuse towards gays and lesbians, or lashing out when you don’t get your own way or any number of other things. I don’t think weed’s the problem here, nor do I think anything will happen here (other than maybe CB never returning to the country), but one can dream about him being deported and imprisoned in the middle of Ghana, never to be seen again.

Here’s some video of the gig if you like torturing yourself:

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