Charlize Theron is one of those actresses I don't have much of an opinion on either way - she's a pretty okay actress, she doesn't seem overly vain and is probably generally pretty cool, so she's okay in my book. That became even more true this morning since it was revealed that she helped a security guard who was having a seizure before the Oscars started last night. From E News: Not only is Charlize Theron beautiful, but she's also a life saver. The gorgeous Hollywood star rushed to help a security guard who was suffering from a seizure at the Dolby Theater tonight before the Oscars began, E! News confirms. Yes, in a gown and all. The actress was one of the few people around the man when he went down, and attempted to help him up, before someone else phoned a doctor. Okay, I realise that trying to help the guy up is what any decent human being would do in the situation and isn't exactly a heroic feat. Still, you know if it was like, Julia Roberts or some shit, she would pretend she didn't see him or feign confusion or something. I don't know why I'm picking on Julia Roberts, but let's go with it. Here's hoping the security guard in question is okay.The Film Independent Spirit Awards basically celebrates all of the films that typically don't get recognized at the Oscars and the whole thing is way more chill and it airs on IFC. This year the host is Andy Samberg. Because the whole thing is so much less stuffy than the Oscars, celebs are a little more willing to take fashion risks. So let's check out the outfits!
Jennifer Lawrence is daring us not to stare at that very thin strap that is keeping the top of her dress tied to her body. Love it! Love this weird thing! Don't think I love the hair....