Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Whatever Happened to Lily Allen?!

Have I ever told you that I used to stalk Lily Allen?  And I don’t mean cyber-stalk either.  Incidentally, she used to live right at the corner of my university campus in London, and one day after my classes were done I just stumbled upon her.  That is, I stumbled upon a swarm of paparazzi chasing after her, and I stuck around to see if she would punch one of them or something.  Tough luck.  She disappeared into a black door instead, and I saw her coming in and out of it many a times after...

Reasons to Talk About Tegan and Sara

It has been an emotional couple of days here at Evil Beet with Sarah and Emily flying south and all, but today I want us to dry our tears and take a deep breath, because despite of the momentary bewilderment brought by the changes, I can promise you that things are looking up!  So shall we begin this new adventure with some light music? Tegan and Sara are not new to the music world; they have been quite industrious ever since 1999, yet they are just breaking into the mainstream now, and ho...