Sure, Kristen Stewart‘s face constantly looks like she just smelled an old shitty diaper, but I don’t think she’s an unattractive girl at all. However, British men don’t agree with me, as a recent poll run by the website MenKind put her at the top of a list of the least sexy actresses in Hollywood.
The full Top 10 list is as follows:
1. Kristen Stewart
2. Sarah Jessica Parker
3. Lindsay Lohan
4. Denise Richards
5. Kirsten Dunst
6. Mischa Barton
7. Hilary Swank
8. Lucy Liu
9. Tilda Swinton
10. Uma Thurman
Alright, you got me on the rest, there – none of them are remotely attractive to me (but as I said earlier this morning – different strokes, different folks). I just would have thought men might like Kristen’s “leave me alone” lip snarl she constantly seems to be doing. Shows what I know about what men like (thank God).
A spokesperson for the MenKind (via MTV News) explained the results of the poll as follows:
“Our Oscars poll has been a fascinating insight into the minds of British men – it’s shown that sexiness is far more than appearance.
“They were turned off by volatile and moody actresses as well as ice queens. And they don’t want to see unhealthily skinny starlets on the big screen.”
Word – it’s nice to see a move away from unhealthily skinny figures and a celebration of something “far more than appearance”, like, I don’t know, actual substance, intelligence, sense of humour or whatever else. It’s just a shame those didn’t matter more before.
MenKind is basically a haemorrhoid on Satan’s anus that sells overpriced novelty products for “men only”, such as fairy lights, pillows with speakers, or wallets (for real). Why am I not surprised they are classifying women as cattle and this time it’s the ones that they wouldn’t fuck? What’s more, who is surprised they don’t like women who actually show their emotions and brand them as “volatile” and “moody”?
I’m into this comment.
Thanks Ms St Ives, I’m into your writing <3
i agree …..i doubt the guy who wrote this could date any of those women on the list
This comment is the best.
Why do people always need to comment on who’s “hot or not” like the world is just some big middle school cafeteria? These stupid “least sexy” lists are just some way to mean girl these women for not being attractive enough to them – I can say with certainty that not a single woman on this list is particularly butt hurt that some tool doesn’t find them fuckable
Let’s all burn our bras and not shave our armpits!! Do really think guys give a shit if they show emotion. That list is based in looks, and that’s it, so you refrain from your super feminist psycho babble crap, you are just out of touch.
I’m a psycho because I complained about women being treated as cattle? O…kay… You keep on keepin’ on, buddy. I believe in ya.
LUCY LIU?@?@ this list is invalid.
Lucy is the one I have the biggest problem with on this list too.
Hardly… I can think of a least 100 right now who could hold this lame title. And let’s focus on the actors…
Wow, she beat Lindsay Lohan. That is impressive.
British dudes have weird taste. Kristen Stewart is lovely enough, but Lucy Liu??? She’s gorgeous. How is Mischa Barton even relevant enough to make this list anymore? Uma Thurman – what? She’s older now but she’s still quite nice looking. And I never really thought of her as an ice queen or anything like that.
Ehhhh. Why do we care what these knobs think? And where is the list of unsexiest British men?
Lucy Liu is pretty damn sexy. I agree with the rest of the list, maybe with a caveat. I think Hillary Swank is very pretty, I think Kristen Stewart is actually pretty too (plain though). I can see how they both don’t usually play “sexy” parts though.
British men have little room to talk when it comes to sexy! :D I can’t even name 1 sexy British male.
Eddie Redmayne.
The exception proves the rule though.
I disagree on Lucy Liu and Uma Thurman.
And I know Tilda Swinton’s not necessarily sexy, but I really dig her looks. I loved her as Gabriel in Constantine. Perfect role for an androgynous woman like Swinton.
i cant believe lucy lui is up there I think she is sexy
They’re idiots!! Lindsay Lohan is a loser ugly idiot and to not put her at the top is rediculious!!
Kristen Stewart looks AWESOME in lace and she is VERY SEXY so where ever you are getting the idea that she isn’t sexy, ask yourself one question, “With her looks, and all the money she has made (which she is the HIGHTEST PAID ACTRESS IN HOLLYWOOD ACORDING TO THE FORBES TOP TEN LIST). Just check out the Forbes list and you will see!!!!!!!
Yeah, I’m British and I have to say this list has some wrong entries. Lucy Liu? Please! And while I get Kristen’s constant bitch face/sullenness isn’t sexy, there is no way in HELL that she should be higher up this list than SJP. Every single human being I know thinks SJP looks like a horse with the body of a pre-pubescent child (but with stringier muscles).
I am 23 years old am indian bt i like Hollywood actress Kristen Stewart is very sexy girl i love her keep it up Kristen and hai fans
Lucy Liu is beautiful like seriously and Denise Richards she is like gorgeous I mean they are all beautiful woman I just wished that People would judge people for their personality not their Looks or how Sexy they are