Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Caption This: Last Week’s Winner and This Week’s Photo

photo of jessica simpson self portrait pregnant twitter pic It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address! We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is! The winner on last week’s Madonna photo: Anonymous "Madonna made the mistake of not explaining to him that you t...

Celebrity ‘Demand a Change’ PSA Gets a Rebuttal

The video response is called 'Demand Celebrities Go F Themselves', and shows clips of gun violence in films from which the original 'Demand a Change' celebrities spoke out against. Crafty, you know? And while I support the original video, featuring those celebrities speaking out against actionless, planless gun regulation in the United States, I can also agree with the makers of the second video, because I think Hollywood and the media have a large role to play in avoiding the desensitization of guns and their culture in America. Something needs to be done, and when we can stop being hypocrites and saying, "Well he or she can't have guns, but I can, because I'm mentally stable, and duh, no one looks up to me to be the example of what it is to be humane," then this vicious cycle is only going to perpetuate itself. Something I don't agree with? The 'Kill a Celebrity' song playing at the end, and calling the celebrities "hypocrites" and "whores." Yeah, there's definitely some hypocrisy there, but calling someone a "whore" because they're a hypocrite? I don't know about all that, and quite honestly, the end of the video kind of invalidated the makers' points on a certain level. I do, however, think Sarah Silverman is a big, dumb asshat and pretty much anything eviscerating her character is OK by me. Here's the original if you haven't already seen it: The video response is called 'Demand Celebrities Go F Themselves', and shows clips of gun violence in films from which the original 'Demand a Change' celebrities spoke out against. Crafty, you know? And while I support the original video, featuring those celebrities speaking out against actionless, planless gun regulation in the United States, I can also agree with the makers of the second video, because I think Hollywood and the media have a large role to play in avoiding the desensitization o...


photo of eva mendes nudes topless pictures Celebrity champagne (ahem) facials. [The Superficial] Eva Mendes celebrated the New Year sans Ryan Gosling. [Lainey Gossip] Kim Kardashian talks about her pregnancy in live action. [Splash] Billie Joe Armstrong, fully rehabbed, will be touring soon. [Starpulse] Kris Allen and his wife were involved in a car accident. [TMZ] Chad Ochocinco's sex tape. [The Blemish] This photographer gets around. [theBERRY] Russell Crowe responds to Adam Lambert's 'Les Mis' slam. [Huff Po] Justin Bieber sure has some f-cked-up look...

Kathy Griffin Acts Like a Ho on National Television

photo of kathy griffin giving anderson cooper head on tv pictures Hey, Happy Belated New Year! Did you guys watch the ball drop this past Monday night? Gosh, I didn't even make it to 10:30 this year, but I guess when you have the stomach flu, that's to be expected. I spent more time in the bathroom this weekend than really anywhere else, so when I heard that Kathy Griffin was all but fellating Anderson Cooper on CNN, I felt really, really good about where I'd virtually rung in the New Year. Reportedly, Kathy thought it'd be cute and funny to pretend to go do...

A Photographer Was Killed Trying to Follow Justin Bieber

A photo of Justin Bieber From TMZ: A paparazzo attempting to shoot photos of Justin Bieber's Ferrari was hit by another car and killed this evening -- although Bieber was NOT behind the wheel of the Ferrari ... TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Bieber's white Ferrari was pulled over by California Highway Patrol for speeding on the 405 ... near the Getty Center in LA.   The CHP directed the driver to pull off the freeway, onto Sepulveda Blvd. According to our sources, Bieber was DEFINITELY no...

Quotables: Kim Kardashian Says Pregnancy is Hard, Guys

photo of kim kardashian pregnancy pictures photos I take lots of naps. Actually I feel really good. This New Year is just about being happy and healthy and that’s what I plan on doing. I wouldn’t say that pregnancy has been easy but there's been no morning sickness. When people say pregnancy is fun and they love it, I would disagree. I think from this stage on it does become easier and funner but it’s just adjusting. ... Even my sister has made it look so easy and it’s not as easy as people think. It’s a little painful, there’s a lo...

Hey, So Crystal Harris and Hugh Hefner Actually Got Married!

photo of crystal harris wedding dress pictures And on New Year's Eve, too, just like everyone said. Go figure---it actually happened this time. Anyway, this is Crystal Harris and her newly (even more) jacked face on her wedding day to poor, frail Hugh Hefner, who I'm starting to pity more and more as the days go by. That dress sure is pretty though, huh? The couple got married at the Playboy mansion earlier this week, and this is what Hugh the Man had to say about his newest blushing bride: "Crystal & I married on New Year's Eve...
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