Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Nicole Kidman Looks Good Somewhere Here, Right?

photo of nicole kidman grace kelly 2013 pictures
The dress is fabulous, her figure is cute, if a little on the frail side, and her hair … um, color is really, really pretty.

The rest of the things that make this picture a picture? Like her Botoxy face and unfortunate hairline (what is that, anyway? Is that years of clip-in extensions and weaves gone bad? Is Nicole Kidman going to be the next Naomi Campbell, without the phone-throwing and Jazzy-riding?)

That dress, though. That is one heck of a dress, if I do say so myself.

Nicole Kidman’s whole getup—everything included—love it or leave it?


10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • love the dress

    the face just makes me sad. she used to be so effing beautiful; why did she do that to herself? it’s a tragedy.
    i feel so bad for these botoxed women.

  • She really needs to not pin back the hair from her face. If she would just let it frame her face there wouldn’t be so much attention paid to the Forever Forehead.

  • Girl needs bangs. In the worst way. And a glass of wine so she doesn’t always look like such a tightass. And about ten pounds added to take off the angularity.

  • The eyebrows, and hair color, and the mile-high forehead + pinning her hair back all the time really contributes to such a severe look compared to what she used to have. Anyone remember practical magic? SO gorgeous in that, it’s kind of shocking to see her now.

  • I LOVE her dress. It is magnificent. The hair and the tightness are unpleasant, but that dress. My oh my.

  • She looks like the wife on “Bewitched’, Elizabeth Montgomery.. (if Lizzy had a forehead the size of Rhode Island.)