Today's Evil Beet Gossip

But Of Course Taylor Swift is Buying a House Near Her New Boyfriend

photo of taylor swift and harry styles pictures She's just so predictable, isn't she? This new-ish boyfriend, though, One Direction's Harry Styles, must really be something special, because she waited, what, actual weeks to find a house next to her ex-boyfriend, Conor Kennedy? Yep, this one, this Harry Styles boy, has just definitely got to be The One, and isn't that lucky for all of us---Taylor especially? Sources say that Taylor is browsing property in North London, where Harry himself just bought a house earlier in the year. Sources ...

Love It or Leave It: Holy Crap, This is What Lindsay Lohan Wore to the ‘Liz & Dick’ Premiere

photo of lindsay lohan liz and dick premiere pictures photos So. Yeah. This is what she wore to her first 'Liz & Dick' premiere event, and I guess the word "classy" would probably sum it all up nicely, right? Well, no, not quite, because Lindsay looks like a ... well, she looks similar to ... alright, well she looks nothing like Liz Taylor, and that includes words like "classy," "elegant," and any variation on the word "lovely." No, I'm thinking the adjectives "rode hard," "strung out," and "sad" probably hit the nail on the head just about right. I'm *al...

So Karl Lagerfeld Drew This Weird Picture of Obama

A photo of Karl Lagerfeld Sorry, but this is one of the times where I tell you the whole story in the headline. There's no corresponding interview, there's just no other information here besides the fact that Karl Lagerfeld drew this weird picture of Obama and it was published in a German newspaper. Here it is: Yes, that's President Obama in a chef outfit. And yes, he's carrying a cake shaped like the White House. I can't tell you why. I can't give you any further explanation. I can only tell you that t...

Justin Bieber Won’t Get in Trouble for Punching A Photographer

A photo of Justin Bieber From TMZ: Justin Bieber has a lot to be thankful for ... not only is he back in Selena's good graces -- he won't be charged for allegedly beating up a paparazzo ... TMZ has learned. We broke the story ... Justin was a suspect in a misdemeanor battery, after a photog claimed he and the singer got into a physical altercation back in May on the mean streets of Calabasas.  The photog called 911 and filed a police report. We've learned the L.A. County D.A. will NOT file criminal charges, because of c...

Here’s a Song That Paris Hilton and Lil Wayne Did Together

Does it pain you to have to read that headline? Because it pained me to have to write it, ugh. Seriously though, is this why Lil Wayne had all those strokes or whatever last month? Was it this Paris tie? Because I'd really believe it if someone told me that was the reason. Last, this is probably the worst f-cking song I've ever heard in life, and I heard 'It's Thanksgiving' this week for the first time, guys. Do the math. /> Does it pain you to have to read that headline? Because it pained me to have to write it, ugh. Seriously though, is this why Lil Wayne had all those strokes or whatever last month? Was it this Paris tie? Because I'd really believe it if someone told me that was the reason. Last, this is probably the worst f-cking song I've ever heard in life, and I heard 'It's Thanksgiving' this week for the first time, guys. Do the math. ...

Stars Without Makeup: Hey, Kate Upton!

photo of kate upton pictures no makeup photos Honestly speaking, this is precisely how I like my Kate Upton. Yeah, she's got tits for days and a body that just won't quit, but my personal preference is not all made up and hoity-toity and uncomfortable-looking because you know that girlfriend's stylist just made her wear that corset or that girdle to that red carpet thing. No, Kate Upton is just a natural beauty, and it's really, really apparent when you can wear a schleppy cardigan, glasses, and pretty much nothing else of any real importan...

Today in Indisputable Things: Lindsay Lohan is Back on the Crack

photo of lindsay lohan pictures Because seriously, you cannot look at this new photo here and tell me that she's not on some kind of insanely potent, mind-altering substance. Bitch is off her rocker stoned here. And she wonders why she's never found "real" love. ... Oh, what's that? You didn't hear? Oh. Well, apparently Lindsay is sad because she's never found real, true love. No, I'm not kidding. From Contact Music: The 26-year-old actress – who previously had a long-term relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson and ha...

Miley Cyrus Cut Her Hair Again

A photo of Miley Cyrus No, again. She cut all her hair off a few months ago, as if we could ever forget, but just recently she got another haircut. And it's kind of radical: Now let's check out a different angle: Not to be a negative Nancy, but I really hate this. I think it's stupid and awful, and that says a lot, because I really liked her short hair before. This new cut is just too much. As always, if she's happy with it, I'm happy for her, and goodness knows I'd love to have the nerve to do something that dr...


photo of elmo pictures Elmo has quit 'Sesame Street'. [The Superficial] You could Madonna's house if you really wanted to. [Bitten and Bound] Why does every one and every thing have to be perverted? [Starpulse] Celine Dion's new video. [Hollywood PQ] Adam Lambert's 'Divas'. [OMGblog] Justin Bieber makes out with a new chick. [Socialite Life] ... And has a new Ferrari. [Celebslam] Why the wedding is off. [Yeeeah] Megan Fox. In a BRA. [The Blemish] James Deen is untouchable. [The Frisky] Hey, let's just not talk a...

Octomom Is Making Her Kids Earn Their Way

That right there is a preview of the very first music video from The Roctuplets. What's that? You've never heard of The Roctuplets? That's because they just hit the scene a couple of days ago. But we best get familiar with them quick, because with this kind of sound, they're going to be around for a long time. Nah, I'm not here to make fun of these kids. I'm here to make fun of Octomom, the mother of these kids. I'm sure she's the manager of The Roctuplets, and she's already got their first single up on iTunes, probably because those weird stripping gigs weren't bringing in enough money to pay for their fancy new house. And I'm sure that she's working just as hard as she can to get them a record deal and live gigs and even more videos. But none of them look into it, do they? It seems like most of the video is made up of the kids singing or rapping or whatever and looking at the camera, or just slightly above the camera, with a look in their eyes that just screams "Mom, why are you making me do this, you're so embarrassing!" And that's sad. But be sure to buy this song on iTunes, all right? I bet Octomom probably needs new extensions by now. /> That right there is a preview of the very first music video from The Roctuplets. What's that? You've never heard of The Roctuplets? That's because they just hit the scene a couple of days ago. But we best get familiar with them quick, because with this kind of sound, they're going to be around for a long time. Nah, I'm not here to make fun of these kids. I'm here to make fun of Octomom, the mother of these kids. I'm sure she's the manager of The Roctuplets, and she's already got their...

This Would Be Scarlett Johansson’s New Boyfriend

photo of romain dauriac pictures scarlett johansson boyfriend This would be Romain Dauriac, a "creative director" from France, and in the very next photo, he looks a little bit like Josh Hartnett (who was a former boyfriend of Scarlett's), so I can see Scarlett getting past this top photo and boning him instead: See? ... And yeah, I know, right? Sources close to the new couple are saying that it's all still pretty new, but they've hit it off famously and a witness claims that the couple were out getting dinner in New York City earlier this week and we...

Quotables: Don’t Worry, Cameron Diaz is More of an A-Hole Than Ever

photo of cameron diaz pictures I think every woman does want to be objectified. There’s a little part of you at all times that hopes to be somewhat objectified, and I think it’s healthy. ---Cameron Diaz on the deepest desire of a woman's heart, being objectified and subsequently not taken seriously because duh, women are totally the inferior sex and we're just lucky that men haven't made us redundant except for sex as it is. Lucky, lucky bitches we are, guys. See, now, it's not very often that I have to go and find a reason t...