Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: I Don’t Love What Kristen Stewart’s Doing Here

photo of kristen stewart bad fashion pictures Well crap. I knew that it was only a matter of time before Kristen Stewart did something yucky-looking and totally greaseballesque that there'd be no way in hell I'd be able to support no matter how many backhanded compliments I'd saved up in the little artillery pile in my brain where basic math skills are supposed to exist, but here it is, and I wasn't even expecting it. This is what Kristen wore to the Variety Awards Studio in L.A., and the shoes, I get. They're OK. I know that she often go...

Jared Leto Starved Himself for a Month to Get This Skinny

photo of jared leto pictures skinny terry richardson pic Is this guy a class act or what? I mean, he's just so totally method, and what better way to tell the world that you're method than showing them the actual effects of being so totally method? Shia LaBeouf move over, we have another actor ready and willing to take your place---and this one's actually a relatively talented thespian! This photo is from a recent shoot with Terry Richardson, where Jared displayed the shrunken form that he worked so hard on for the role opposite Matthew McConaughey (the ve...

Angus T. Jones: Definitely Not Quitting

A photo of Angus T. Jones It's certainly a dirty job, working on a television show and making tons of money. But you know, someone's got to do it. And that someone might as well be Angus. Since, you know, he's there already. Or whatever. But yeah, he's not quitting, according to People. He called the show "filth" and said that it was controlled by Satan, but a paycheck's a paycheck, I guess. He isn't scheduled to shoot until January, after the holiday break, and the word is that he'll be there with bells on....

Lindsay Lohan Just Got Arrested

A photo of Lindsay Lohan But wait. It wasn't even for the other thing we thought she was going to get arrested for, the thing where she lied to the police about her car accident. No, this is a totally new issue. She just got into a fight at a club. And she's at the police station right now. From TMZ: Lindsay Lohan was ARRESTED at 4 AM Thursday in New York City for allegedly punching a woman at a New York City nightclub ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ. Our sources say Lohan was at Club Avenue when she got into so...

Watch This: Kate Bosworth’s ‘Black Rock’

You know who's always up for a good horror movie? This girl, right here. Me. But I'm going to tell you right now, this is just not a good horror movie. No, to the contrary---this looks like a really, really bad horror movie, because honestly, it's not a horror movie at all. See, horror movies are full of ghosts and ghouls and maybe the occasional demon, and this? Well. There's not a ghost, ghoul, or demon anywhere in sight. Sorry to disappoint you, guys, but it is what it is. Here's the official from IMDB:
Three childhood friends set aside their personal issues and reunite for a girls' weekend on a remote island off the coast of Maine. One wrong move turns their weekend getaway into a deadly fight for survival.
If you watched the trailer, the "wrong move" in question was one of the chicks, a married lady, almost hooking up with one of the guys on the island, and when she decks him one because she decides that it's not happening after all, all three men go vigilante on the girls' asses and hunt them all over the island. Horror movie? Well. I don't know about all that, but hey. It's ... interesting, I guess. And it's got Kate Bosworth. That's got to be worth something, right? Wasn't she a movie star once upon a time, taking leads in movies like 'Remember the Titans' and dating Orlando Bloom? /> You know who's always up for a good horror movie? This girl, right here. Me. But I'm going to tell you right now, this is just not a good horror movie. No, to the contrary---this looks like a really, really bad horror movie, because honestly, it's not a horror movie at all. See, horror movies are full of ghosts and ghouls and maybe the occasional demon, and this? Well. There's not a ghost, ghoul, or demon anywhere in sight. Sorry to disappoint you, guys, but it is what it is. Here's the offic...

There’s Some Drama Going Down Between Bobbi Kristina Brown and Her Brother

photo of bobbi kristina and her ex-fiance pictures Bunch of weirdos. Word on the street (no, like, literally---the street, as in the street that Bobbi Kristina wrecked yet another car on, also, like last time, a Camaro) is that Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon, her boyfriend-brother-betrothed are no longer together. And Bobbi Kristina wrecked a car. Here's the photo of the totaled Camaro: If you're sitting there and thinking to yourself, "Hey, this photo looks a lot like another photo I've seen somewhere before," you're right. Because this totaled car looks a lot like the one that w...

Quotables: Brad Pitt is Getting Weird

photo of brad pitt pictures funny face pic It's been a family type of year, a down-home type of year. Mama's worked more. And quite frankly I've really enjoyed it. ---Brad Pitt on his family and, I'm assuming, Angelina Jolie in the role of "Mammy." And this quote was also from that other interview that Brad Pitt did recently---the one where he talked about the time being all nigh and what not about his up-and-coming marriage to Jolie. Was Brad always this odd or did it come after years of Angelina Jolie feasting on his blood and ...

Kelsey Grammer: Still a Class-A Crap Parent

photo of kelsey grammer pictures What could be worse, though, than taking your newborn baby to a Halloween party at the Playboy mansion where there's sure to be drinking and drugs and loud music and cigarettes and worst of all, Legionnaire's Disease floating around? Well, it would be taking your newborn into a vehicle and allowing it to ride in it without a proper car seat. Or, you know, a car seat, period. But hey---that's just what Kelsey Grammer and his twit wife Kayte Whatever did the other day leaving LAX. From TMZ: K...

Who Made the “Least Influential People” List of 2012?

photo of madonna least influential list pictures Or as GQ, compiler of said list, put it, the "least significant" folks of the year, and I like that a whole lot better than "least influential," because the term "influential" in there actually makes it seem like the people in question have some influence (which I like to believe they don't). Here's the five best, as far as my take on the list goes, in no particular order: 1. Amanda Bynes. From GQ: I didn't think it was possible for God to invent a worse driver than Lindsay Lohan, but here y...

Watch This: It’s Neil Patrick Harris with Puppets, Just Watch It

Can you believe that we haven't talked about Neil Patrick Harris since July? And even then, that story was about a rumored split between Neil and his partner, David Burtka. The last time we talked about Neil Patrick Harris being completely wonderful was in June. The beginning of June, even. What's been happening around here?! But just rest assured that we are back on track, and the NPH dry spell is officially over. Here's this video from a series (that will hopefully continue forever) called "Neil's Puppet Dreams." It makes these long hard months we've been without Neil gossip all seem worth it, doesn't it? /> Can you believe that we haven't talked about Neil Patrick Harris since July? And even then, that story was about a rumored split between Neil and his partner, David Burtka. The last time we talked about Neil Patrick Harris being completely wonderful was in June. The beginning of June, even. What's been happening around here?! But just rest assured that we are back on track, and the NPH dry spell is officially over. Here's this video from a series (that will hopefully continue forever) cal...

Demi Moore Has A New Boyfriend, Maybe!

A photo of Demi Moore From People: Actress Demi Moore is dipping her toe back in the dating world – and she still likes 'em young, according to new reports. The New York Post's Page Six column reports that Moore, 50, is quietly dating art world scion Vito Schnabel, 26. Schnabel, an art dealer, is the son of painter and director Julian Schnabel. He and Moore were reportedly "dancing and grinding all over each other" at a party in Jodhpur, India,thrown by supermodel Naomi Campbell for the 50th birthday of ...

You Will Never Ever Guess Who Shia LaBeouf’s New Girlfriend Is

A photo of Shia LaBeouf Oh, this is exciting! You won't guess, not in a million, gazillion years! And when I tell you, you'll be so very surprised! Ok, so yesterday I told you guys that Shia LaBeouf and his girlfriend broke up a little while back, right? And we speculated that the breakup probably happened because Shia's a great big ol' douche who insisted on having actual sex in a Very Artistic Film, Nymphomaniac. We knew that she wasn't in love with that idea, and it makes sense to suggest that as a reason for the split. Now that we're done with the background, why don't you go ahead and take a gu...