Today's Evil Beet Gossip

James Franco Needs to Shut His Stupid Mouth

A photo of James Franco Sorry, that headline was inappropriate. It should have read "James Franco Needs to Shut His Very Educated, Very Smart and Impressive Mouth." Because, as we all know, James Franco is nothing if not way brainy. Anyway, he needs to shut his mouth because he keeps running it over at Huffington Post. He writes a blog for the site - remember that time that he wrote that thing about how great Kristen Stewart is? So embarrassing, right? Yeah, I don't know why I don't read his blog more regularly (probably it's because my brain would explode), but I wanted to share a few excerpts from his latest ...

Lindsay Lohan Talks Love, Liz Taylor, And How Nothing Is Ever Her Fault, Not Ever

A photo of Lindsay Lohan This new interview is just classic Lindsay. Like, if we had an Evil Beet puppet show and I got to play Lindsay (I would give Sarah Britney Spears and Paris Hilton for Lindsay, but we'd probably have to arm wrestle for Courtney Stodden), I would say all of the things Lindsay says in this interview. It's so "not my fault!" it's insane. It's wonderful. So let's just jump on in, all right? On Liz Taylor and love: “I can only imagine what it would be like to have the kind of love that she an...

Justin Bieber Proposed to Selena Gomez Twice Before She Broke Up with Him

A photo of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez This is probably the most amusing story I've heard all week, which is a pretty big deal when you consider that so far this week, we've learned that Courtney Stodden landed her very first stripping gig and Rihanna considers herself "art." This is better than that, you guys. As you might have gathered from the headline, the rumor is that Justin Bieber asked Selena Gomez to marry him on two different occasions before she broke up with him. You can totally see him doing that, right? Like he said ...

Channing Tatum Is The Sexiest Man Alive

A photo of Channing Tatum Yeah, I know, this isn't a surprise. We heard about this last week, and there wasn't even a stupid spoiler alert. But regardless of the shock factor, this story is something that needs to be covered. People magazine looked at every single living man, and out of all of them, they chose Channing Tatum as the very sexiest. And if that's not newsworthy, I don't know what is. Here's his little interview from the magazine. It's not anything groundbreaking, but you can probably see why I said ...

Love It or Leave It: Eva Longoria’s New Miley Hair

photo of eva longoria short hair pictures whosay pic Whoa. You know, I totally didn't see the Miley Cyrus-'do catching on, to be honest, because while it looks relatively OK on Miley (the color's pretty much what clinches it for me), I don't think it's necessarily the best option for other people who are concerned about the way they look. Eva Longoria posted this photo of herself alongside Jessica Simpson's BFF, Ken Paves, on WhoSay, and naturally, everyone freaked out. Later, however, she Tweeted that the hair was just a wig (thank God and ...

Bradley Cooper Doesn’t Like Deodorant, is Compulsive About Showering

photo of bradley cooper esquire pictures Did I ever tell you guys that Bradley Cooper was once one of my hottest men, and yeah, while he's all handsome and stuff, no, I don't know what I was thinking by including such a cookie-cutter dude in my list of Hottest Men of All Time. Maybe I was ovulating or PMSing or something, because aren't there studies out there saying that a woman's taste in men often differs depending on what's going on and where she is in her---oh my god I'm going to say it, male readers, so tune out---menstrual cycle? ...

Rihanna and Jennie Garth Were at the GQ Men of the Year Awards: Who Do You Rather?

photo of rihanna and jennie garth pictures Now don't get me wrong, I don't care much for either one of them, but hell's bells, the sure looked pretty hot, huh? The GQ Men of the Year Awards happened last night, and because I'm positive that you're just dying to know who won, I'll indulge your whims and ... well, I'll tell you. Here's the official list: International Breakthrough Man: Chris Hemsworth Designers of the Year: Dolce & Gabbana Politician of the Year: Boris Johnson Chef of the Year: Wolfgang Puck Sportsman of t...

Owen Wilson Isn’t in Rehab Yet

photo of owen wilson pictures So yesterday we ran a blind item, and one of our wonderful former writers put an idea in all our heads that the actor in the blind just might be Owen Wilson, and as soon as I read it, I was like, "Oh my God, yes, totally." So I went on an Owen Wilson scavenger hunt, and found that as of November 10th, four days ago, he was not in rehab. He was actually playing with his son, who is just adorable, and guys, he *is* looking a little ... I don't know, maybe sickly would be the word. See, Owen's kind of on the thin side these days, and what with ...

Courtney Stodden Will Make Her Stripping Debut on Thanksgiving

A photo of Courtney Stodden How are my fellow Americans planning on spending Thanksgiving this year? Probably eating with family, eating with friends, or eating by yourself, right? That's fair. But what about Thanksgiving Eve? Do you have any specific plans for that day? Personally, on Thanksgiving Eve I just usually do what I do every other day, except that night I plan my outfit and makeup and everything so that my family can remember to be proud of me that I didn't get pregnant at 16 and that I've never stolen pills f...

Lindsay Lohan’s Got a New Trailer

All I've got to say is "a sensuous woman torn between two loves." Because of course I'm going to follow that with "What, cocaine and vodka? Or meth and NyQuil?" Because after watching this trailer for Lindsay Lohan's latest movie, 'The Canyons', I'm convinced that it's got to be one or more of those four things previously mentioned, if not all four of them at the same time. Seriously, THIS is what Lindsay's career has been reduced to? Is this serious? Moreover, is she actually serious about this as in she thinks it's some big piece of art? Yes, guys. Yes on all counts. /> All I've got to say is "a sensuous woman torn between two loves." Because of course I'm going to follow that with "What, cocaine and vodka? Or meth and NyQuil?" Because after watching this trailer for Lindsay Lohan's latest movie, 'The Canyons', I'm convinced that it's got to be one or more of those four things previously mentioned, if not all four of them at the same time. Seriously, THIS is what Lindsay's career has been reduced to? Is this serious? Moreover, is she actually serious about this...

Quotables: Nicole Kidman Was All Sad Over Her Tom Cruise Divorce

photo of nicole kidman pictures I thought our life together was perfect. It took me a very long time to heal. It was a shock to my system. We were in a bubble, just the two of us. We became very dependent on one another. I was reeling with Tom. I would have gone to the ends of the earth for him.... I was totally smitten - I fell madly, passionately in love. I was so impulsive and naive. ---Nicole Kidman on what it was like when Tom Cruise decided that their eleven year marriage was over, which actually surprises me, becau...

Blind Item: What A-List Actor is in Rehab Right Now?

photo of blind item pictures From Blind Gossip: Which talented Hollywood actor/writer/producer – he’s half of a popular award-winning duo – has checked himself into rehab? The gifted funnyman has been open about dabbling in drugs, but it was his relationship with a hard-partying stripper that helped him hit rock bottom real fast! Could it be Ben Affleck? Wait. Let's see what Ben Affleck's been up to over the past few days, if anything. Hold please. Oh, OK. Well, Ben Affleck was out and about in public up until...