Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Demi Lovato’s Shoes. THE SHOES.

photo of demi lovato pumping gas pictures photos
No, guys, now I don’t care—this is not a good outfit, and if there were one thing solely responsible for said bad outfit, it would be those shoes. I know some of you get all bent out of shape when I rag on Demi Lovato for her hair or for her fashion choices, because after all, how *nice* is it to bash someone—even for silly things like their articles of clothing or for dating someone who’s most known as ‘Fez’—who took a trip to rehab for emotional issues? We’ve been over this, guys, and my stance remains the same: it’s not going to break Demi’s heart—or spirit—to hear me mocking her shoes. Those shoes. The one that she found on clearance at Hot Topic in 1997.


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